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This is a crazy, unjust attack’: Pink Floyd re-form to support Ukraine

David Gilmour and Nick Mason, flanked by Nitin Sawhney and Guy Pratt, who have contributed to the new Pink Floyd recording. Photograph: Sarah Lee/The Guardian
Exclusive: Disgusted by the Russian invasion, David Gilmour speaks about band’s first brand new song in 28 years, which samples a Ukrainian musician now on the front line"
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Dlrannie · 31-35, F
They were never the same after Syd Barret left ☹️
I like some of the pre-Gilmour Floyd. But a good deal of it is just spacey sound effects, which were probably really cool at the time on a hi-fi but now? Poor Syd. He reached for the secret too soon. He cried to the moon… @Dlrannie
inaccessible · 51-55, M
I can't distinguish between Roger waters and pink Floyd, i appreciate both, their songs and lyrics knows no biase and always pointed the finger at violence no matter who does it.
bookerdana · M
Wow. No Waters?
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
@stratosranger not even for this. And of course Rick is gone a while now.
Yeah, sadly. Wearing The Inside Out came on my tunes at random the other day, made me think of him. It’s mellow old school and sad at the same time (gee, like most Floyd! 😆)

Slade · 56-60, M
@ozgirl512 of course he is. Prolly disappointed he's not as groovy as Stalin but close enough
pink floyd cant reform as 2 members are dead and waters and Gilmore dont speak
@ozgirl512 wasn't the endless river thier ladt album in 2014?
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@SW-User don't know tbh
@ozgirl512 pretty sure it was
Amylynne · 26-30, F
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
I phucken hope this is not a joke

Signed by Gilmour & Wright

[image/video deleted]
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@SW-User nope ... Apparently there is a Ukrainian suggest from a group called beatbox, i think, who the floyed have played with in the past... That singer is this on the frontlines ... The floyds way of helping where they can

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