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What is happening in Canada?

I've been recording all news info on the protest. Some Canadian news stations are covering it. They usually don't bother. They have set a world record, "longest convoy". 5,000 trucks. There all in Ottawa. The mayor has declared a state of emergency in Ottawa. Gofundme had any donations frozen by the government meant for the truckers. So a Christian site has started accepting them. When the Christian site was told stop by the Canadian government, they told the government were Americans mind your own business. Yesterday the police are at the bridge trying to get at least one lane open. Ford, GM, Toyota all have closed down there factory for now because they can’t get the parts they need from Canada. One American governor actually suggested that the police bulldoze the trucks into the river. I’ve read all over the world there are trucker protests starting. When there asked why they responded to support their Canadian brothers. Nobody was doing anything until they did. They know that when Canada has had enough, something is wrong. I think the government has gotten power crazy. To used to nobody questioning them. The last major virus to hit was in 1915 I think, it lasted 1 year. This has gone on for 2 years, and supposedly no improvement. The think the government is full of ****! Almost all truck drivers have this picture on there semi

Their prime minister. Instead of talking to the truckers and coming to a solution, he's hiding in his house. He wants to tow them all away. Government has been told to go **** themselves. These companies make there money during the year from truckers needing a tow. They know if they help the government, truckers won’t use them. So they won’t go. Every company in Canada. The cops finally found 1 American company. Once they got there they couldn't tow them. The truckers took all the tires off of the semi at the front of the line. Lol they aren’t stupid.

I just about died laughing, Lolololol
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iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
The thing is that we just had an election and Trudeau won the minority government again.

Why should he give these people any time, they are terrorists? It’s not a protest, it’s an occupation. Mandates across Canada had started lifting before this started. Which the government said would happen.

This is not about covid or mandates anymore because if it was, they would be gone. They are so upset over mandates shutting businesses down but currently they are preventing businesses from being open.

I did not agree with the convoy that went through our town yesterday but respected their right to express their beliefs. However, what is going on at at borders and capital cities throughout Canada is not about the right to protest but about entitlement to cause harm to others if you do not get your own way.

The party atmosphere is particularly disturbing as the rights and freedoms of others are being taken away. Millions of dollars being lost, fellow truckers not being able to deliver their loads, supply chains totally disrupted.This is not about freedom, it is not about democracy it is frankly a selfish display of entitlement and a sad embarrassing time to be a Canadian.
caesar7 · 61-69, M
@Edelgard I wouldn't be surprised.
caesar7 · 61-69, M
@iamonfire696 I'm afraid 2022 will NOT be a good year.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@caesar7 I don’t think it will be.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
Not Canadian

I respect the right to protest and cause disruption. Things like this have happened in France and instigated by the left.

It's the cause that I don't agree with. These guys are not doing union action or fighting to protect pensions but are protesting against vaccine mandates. They are belligerently fighting for their right to infect other people based on BS science and baseless internet conspiracy theories.

This is not about government oppression. These truckers are not protesting against violent or racist policing or arms sales to Saudi Arabia. They are not protesting against multi-billionaires who exploit workers and are protected by government laws. They are fighting one of the few aspects of state power which aims to do public good and for what benefit?
windinhishair · 61-69, M
The Spanish Flu pandemic went on from 1918 to 1920, so it was also a long period of time.

It is sad that a few Canadians have succumbed to American anti-vax, anti-science, and anti-fact dogma. I guess there are weak people who can't do what needs to be done to end the pandemic everywhere.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Elessar The GOP is no longer against dictatorships, or Putin in particular, now that they worship Trump. One of the biggest offenders, Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina, said this weekend that Zelensky was a "thug" and Ukraine was "particularly evil."
Elessar · 26-30, M
@windinhishair They're just salty because they're now suddenly losing foreign donors.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Elessar The GOP has received money from Russia supporting their candidates, so they aren't happy about the sanctions.
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Northwest · M
Are you Canadian? If so, then terrorists, from the US, are using your streets, to do what they failed to do in the US.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@Edelgard these are not people planted by Trudeau. They are white nationalists.
Edelgard · 36-40, F
It was on the evening news. Fox News. They are trying to do like Canada are I guess. Protest being made to vaccinate. They figure superbowl is seen everywhere. They aren't with anything there. @iamonfire696
@Edelgard If they try blocking traffic in LA trying to get to SOFI, shots will be fired and there will be a lot of dead protesters.
spjennifer · 61-69, T
A few interesting facts for you, as opposed to your wild conspiracy theories:

Tamara Lich: One of the leaders of the protest convoy. One of the leaders of the "Yellow Vest protests" a xenophobic group opposed to immigration and with likely ties to white supremacists. Also Secretary for the "Maverick Party" which advocates for the secession of Canada's western Provinces from Canada. Has nothing to do with truckers and is just a shit disturber.

BJ (Benjamin) Dichter One of the leaders of the protest convoy and also created the gofundme campaign for it. One of the Board of Directors for the "Maverick Party" which advocates for the secession of western Provinces from Canada, also a known Islamophobe and conspiracy theorist. Has nothing to do with truckers and is another shit disturber.

Pat King: A Far Right Wing protester who has posted videos to Twitter decrying the "depopulation of white people" and other videos in which he makes racist remarks about Muslim, Jewish and Chinese people. Has nothing to do with truckers and is another shit disturber.

These are your so called "heroes of freedumb", such wonderful and peaceful people one and all. Funny how none of the so-called leaders of the protests had anything to do with Truckers, isn't it...
@spjennifer There is also Romana Didulo who claims to be the Queen of the "Kingdom of Canada" which doesn't exist.
The truckers here got nowhere.

You can't compare pandemics unless they are of the same thing.

If we had had a saturation of vaccinations, we'd not be here. It really is that simple.

If people had reacted to the polio vaccine the way they have to the CoViD vaccine, we'd still have polio striking down children...
Jimmy2016 · 61-69, M
🤔....The truckers should have started this last year. And all employees for all companies should be boycotting not just the truckers....
Edelgard · 36-40, F
Yes they should have. They are doing that now. From Edmonton to Ottawa they lined the highways cheering them. There’s now 8,000 trucks in Ottawa. Another 3,000 came yesterday. They have every boarder crossing blocked. @Jimmy2016
spjennifer · 61-69, T
It is truly sad to see a few thousand dissatisfied people disrupting the lives and livelihood of millions. No doubt that they have the right to protest but this has gone beyond being a protest and has turned into a siege. These people are holding the lives of millions hostage by their misguided actions. There are now starting to be counter protests against these idiots, how long before things turn violent? It's far past time for the Police to act to remove the trucks, cars and people, if the tow trucks won't do it, get cranes and bulldozers to do it... These dipshits chant "Freedumb", well what about the Freedom of the people who's lives they are disrupting???
Edelgard · 36-40, F
No! Its millions. Is this what you think? @spjennifer
Edelgard · 36-40, F
Theres 10,000 truckers at least in Ottawa. At first usa tv station were on his side. Hes saying the protesters are a small minority who have been violent in the streets and looting. So Fox news went up to Ottawa and found out who the liar really was. My dear its a peaceful protest. They have there children. Trudeau is desperate now. @spjennifer
spjennifer · 61-69, T
@Edelgard Yeah, I watched clucker carlscum cackling with glee and you're going to believe him? Really? I'm pretty sure that about 75% of Canadians support the mandates as has been widely reported since the start of the Pandemic and the fact that 85% of Canadians are vaccinated. Seeing the protest in downtown Ottawa, there were at best maybe 10,000 people, if that on the 1st day, the one at the Ambassador Bridge is maybe 2-300. You do realize that a convoy that large would be about 150 Miles long and would stretch half way to Toronto, I'm calling BS on your claim of 10k trucks?
RedBaron · M
People are eating poutine, drinking Molsons, watching ice hockey, watching oot for moose, and going oot and aboot. Just like always, eh.
Canuckle · 51-55, M
I try to stay away from politics, sex, and religion in discussions. I’ve failed at holding up on 2 of the 3 so I may as well weigh in with a sloppy opinion.

Two sides - can’t get along - both want to destroy the economy - both feel capitalism should suffer - both fight for the little guy in their pants.

My 2 sloppy cents :)
@Canuckle I don't think both want to destroy the economy.
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Edelgard · 36-40, F
Yes! @Elessar
Elessar · 26-30, M
As I said 😎😌
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
Every truck driver flying that flag isn't really endearing me to the whole protest
caesar7 · 61-69, M
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP Low-life individual. They just want the attention.
Removing the tires...🤣 Brilliant! I love it!👍 The government needs to step back into it's allotted space and quit fucking with the people.
Edelgard · 36-40, F
Yes! All the trucks at the front of the protest removed there tires. @UnderLockDown
@Edelgard And they were removed.
caesar7 · 61-69, M
It's crazy in simple terms. I am fed up of arguing against the convoy. I have been critical since the start. You simply cannot get your point across and end up getting blasted for it. Whatever happens...will happen. My attention has now turned to the Ukraine Crisis. To me, that is more important now.
@caesar7 I disagree, not being able to buy a Chevy or Toyota affect me, what happens in the Ukraine has no affect on my life.
caesar7 · 61-69, M
@independentone Unless we have to be involved and dragged into it. If a nuclear war happens, then it is your problem as much as mine.
@caesar7 I can't see it going nuclear, that would be end of the world time. You're right though, if Biden sends troops to fight, then it will affect all of us.
I don't care about the Ukraine, and I would hope Biden just stays out of it though.
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
So now the Flu Trucks Klan decided to fuck over the economy even further?
@basilfawlty89 EXCELLENT! LOL
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@Stereoguy @Edelgard Don't you Canadians have this vote of no confidence thing? Yes, you do.

You CAN remove him.
Edelgard · 36-40, F
I think the opposition party can do that. Even some of his own party are turning on him@ElwoodBlues
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