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People who still eat meat but are against hunting, why?

Just wondering what your reason would be for being against hunting if you still eat meat. I get why vegetarians would be against it but not meat eaters. Isn’t that more ethical to hunt for your food because you’re not eating meat from an animal that’s been kept in a cage it’s whole life and has much better living conditions? If you can break the cycle of relying on the meat industry and help keep deer population in check isn’t that better?
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The thing with hunting is that there are so many variables.

There's "play hunts" - where people get out and hunt something that may or may not be a scent... if you're lucky, some farmer will get their land invaded and a sheep or two killed. This livestock won't be replaced and nor will you be compensated for your loss.

All for what??? so some bigwig "Lord" can ride a horse full pelt across the countryside. Lord Muck will have no idea of what life is like for the poor sap who's just lost months of work and money. He's more interested in the nice meal waiting for him back at the hall.

There's "trophy hunting" Where people are killing to extinction just to have some nice fur as a decoration in their house. The rest of the animal just gets left on the ground to rot away.

Then there's sustenance hunting where people actively go out hunting animals that they're going to eat to stay alive over coming days, weeks and months. I know which version of hunting I would rather see... do you???
Belladonna · 41-45, F
Maybe they're against trophy hunters. Hunting just makes sense to me though. Not trophy hunting, but hunting for food.
I'm a meat eater against hunting but the meat I eat is also free range. Also there is a big disconnect between getting some meat at the store and having to clean and dress a carcass yourself. Modern society removes that part from eating meat so it becomes more acceptable and less traumatizing.

I def look for non meat alternatives though. But I think the body can def tell when something is meat and something is not though. I would eat lab grown meat though. Or at least give it a try.

And sport hunting is def just an excuse to kill something. There is no necessity for sport hunting to even exist. There is no reason it should have ever existed in the first place. It is garbage like that that nearly killed off the buffalo. And did kill off the Dodo.

Tbh there is a big disconnect between modern society and their food in general in that people think that eating eggs are actually baby chickens and milk cows only give milk if pregnant. Eggs 90% of the time are chicken periods and milk cows are induced to give milk and have been bred to continue producing milk all year round with or without pregnancy. So yeah people don't know where their food comes from or how it works. But these tend to be the same people that think cats can be vegans.
some people have strange thoughts about where food comes from,I had laying hens, my daughter would not eat them she said the eggs came from chickens,,but she would eat them from walmart,krogers,she is 45 years old,,,,
PatKirby · M
Lol! I laughed hard at that one. When I was a kid I thought chocolate might have came from brown cows, she's 45 years old?
@PatKirby yes she is 45,lol,I tell her the farm eggs are better no meds. organic,,then she says if she buys them she dont know where they came from,,other than this she is very smart,,🙄
PatKirby · M

When I worked at a college a student once told me she loved how deer venison tasted but freaked out when I explained how it was prepared (my cousin hunts deer). Don't know what their thought process is. Do they think it just falls from the sky straight into the grocery store?
I agree. Meat does not grow in Styrofoam containers in grocery store coolers.
HannahSky · F
Most people don't eat deer
HannahSky · F
@Mamapolo2016 right, but not the average consumer of meats and they don't usually stop buying in store meat.
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HannahSky · F
@Mamapolo2016 I understand, I have hunters around me too. I'm not against it, I just don't think the average hunter soley relies on their kill. They still like that pork loin at Costco.
redredred · M
I don’t enjoy hunting but I’m glad others do, there are lots of deer around here.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
PatKirby · M
BigBulge · 46-50, M
I don't like the taste of wild game, although I have had rabbit that was pretty good.
Fluffybull · F
@BigBulge I like game but I really like rabbit. Much better than hare, IMO.
Jm31xxx · 46-50, M
Hunting for fun though. Not a good luck.
FenixGears · 41-45, M
Maybe they just like to fish.
With all the meat that’s already in butcher shops and supermarkets, wouldn’t it be wasteful not to eat that first ?

Hunting to eat or cull populations that are a problem is one thing. Just killing to collect trophies is something that bothers me because it’s strictly about human vanity.
Fluffybull · F
@bijouxbroussard Agree. And hunters looking for trophies often pick off the strongest and best in the herd which is against nature. Hunters for food often pick off the weakest.
maybe they are lost and confused🤣
checkoutanytime · 41-45, M
I'm not against hunting, I've not needed to in order to survive, so I dont.
MrAboo · 36-40, M
Hell wild game should be in stores. I’d love to buy a back strap

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