Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
Somehow, this has a very familiar ring to it... 🤔
dale74 · M
@Thinkerbell I saw Tinkerbell last night at Disney on Ice
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
dale74 · M
@Thinkerbell it's still magical the little kids
4meAndyou · F
Yes, it's pretty rotten over there in the UK. There is no such thing as free speech online anymore.
dale74 · M
I thought the Irish were fighters same with Australia
dale74 · M
Political prisoner isn't that what they tried to do to the Trump put him in prison for a paper crime that nobody had ever been charged for
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dale74 · M
Because I mean I even know who he is and I'm an American and we don't know shit about other countries and I can't even tell you who the prime Minister of England is much less Ireland
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dale74 · M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout after securing the kind of like when the Tate brothers were arrested but never charged held for 6 months
TexChik · F
He was at the White House last week visiting Trump.
dale74 · M
Sounds like Trump style had Obama not made fun of him at the press banquet he would not have run.
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
Wasn't he the immortal guy in the movies?
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout It's going to be a world war soon, and not country against country, but Patriots against globalists.
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
@NativePortlander1970 here in australia.. the opposition party leaders name is peter dutton.
we know hes a controlled opposition stooge.. because they arnt trying to throw him in jail... :)
we know hes a controlled opposition stooge.. because they arnt trying to throw him in jail... :)
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carpediem · 61-69, M
Disgusting. Lawfare didn’t destroy Trump. It won’t destroy McGregor either
carpediem · 61-69, M
@NativePortlander1970 Agreed. But Ireland is still a member of the European Union. I wonder if they even have the ability to control immigration in their own country.
carpediem · 61-69, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout That’s awful
@carpediem I'm actually surprised they voted to remail along with Scotland, which has only emboldened the pakis more.
BizSuitStacy · M
Yeah...the commies hate him, so he has to go to jail 🙄
Proof that America is the only country with a guaranteed right to free speech.