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I honestly thought Trumpo was gunna use the epstien list to leverage all the pervs to vote for voting reform…

Same day counting. No machines, paper ballots, ID, etc etc..

But here we are!

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AuRevoir · 36-40, M
It’s only going to be a partial drop of the list because she said they’re working to protect the 250+ victims while releasing the list.

I’m pretty sure we’ll see the B-list celebs/former CEO’s/Dead people first.

Stephen Hawking’s legacy is about to go up in smoke. There’s no reason to worry about any of his victims being protected since he’s dead. If the list reflects any of the supposed leaks. If not we will at least know the truth and that the supposed leaks were faked.

Here’s the full clip for reference.

Pfuzylogic · M
@AuRevoir His burial place next to Isaac Newton could be in danger if it gets too scandalous!
4meAndyou · F
Some of the people on the flight list were NOT involved in the underage sex scandal. Allen Dershowitz, for one, freely admits that he flew on Epstein's plane, WITH his wife. Trump flew on Epstein's plane.

Epstein had a habit of sucking up to very important people all over the United States and offering them rides.
Thrust · 56-60, M
And term limits!
Pfuzylogic · M
Doe 174 🧐 now if they are smart they will leave them alone.
We will never know if it's the whole list or not .. 😒
@SStarfish who cares about a list of visitors anyway?

We want a list of VHS tapes with names on them 🤓🍿
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout no me.. 🙁 i wish they'd crack down on more shit online and whatever is still going on out there 🙁
For many long decades, going back to the late 19th or early 20th century, we had analog lever pull machines, we all knew for many, many decades who was the winner with the next morning news. It wasn't until digital machines that results started getting badly fucked up. We need to go back to those old school analog lever pull machines.

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