I posted a few weeks ago that some mice had moved in to one of my fairy houses in the garden! Well, they are still there and actually living in the gap between the wall and fence. They are sooo damn cute! Now, i know most people would think having mice in yr garden is not ideal, but im quite honoured they chose my garden to live in! Again, people tell me im doing the wrong thing, but im popping a bit of bird seed and bread down for them in the mornings. The result if this is they.no longer run when they see me......its almost.like they are waiting for me when i go out now! These pics were for just now......
@BeefySenpie i dont want them inmy house! They are tiny field mice. houses have been built on their field...they have to live somewhere.
But the problem is that they are very destructive and plagues... What will you do when it gets out of control? If it was one only always could perhaps manage