There are too many people who used to be friends with me, pretended to care about me, spoke on the phone with me and now barely acknowledge my existence. I thought they just got busy with their own lives but seeing how much time they spend here now they’re not too busy, just simply not interested anymore.
It’s a shit realisation and I just hurt myself with it every time I visit this place.
Friendships require a lot of mutual engagement and initiative in order to maintain them. I don't know the details of anything that's happening, but make sure you're putting that in on your end. You're a very pleasant lady, and I think people do like you. People get busy, they forget, maybe they misjudge your level of interest sometimes, and sometimes they just grow apart. That doesn't reflect on you, just means you need to either make new ones or try and reconnect with others that you've fallen out of touch with.
I am guilty. I suppose I just pulled away from all the friendships I've made over the course of my time here. In any case, I've thought of you from time to time and I hoped (still do) that you're doing okay.
Yeah I think it's difficult maintaining long term friendships online sometimes, I've had a lot of good friends on here where it's just fazed out over time. New friends might come in and time then gets split developing them friendships and once you've not spoke to someone for 3 or 4 months it hard to pick up where you left off...
I totally understand where you are coming from though, I mean it's happened to you, it's happened to me, it's probably happened to most people on SW and there's no clear answer as to why it happens really. 乂º _ º乂
This is exactly how I felt back in the day!.. my feelings weren’t being met in the time requirement set by me.. only because the world doesn’t revolve around me. I remember when you checked me a year or so ago about friendship and it hurt . But I had soo much going on besides here. I was on probation I was constantly going to jail I had a drug problem and now I have a kid !,,I was a complete mess.. I still am .. but I want to apologize. I know I hurt your feelings back then! And I apologize! You are very sensitive like me . Small things matter .. but I love you and wish you the best 🙏🏽💙♥💙♥
This place isn't real, people are here to have fun. Their real lives are elsewhere, in behind them, where you can't see. You might find a genuine person every once in a while, but how can you really know.. you can't. Socialize, that is much better than hopes and dreams in here.
I feel you. Loyalty doesn't exactly run rampant in here. I've given people months of my attention and loyalty just to have them flit off ... They are telling you what they are worth . Take it at that.
This is why I try to avoid regarding anyone as friends. There are people I like and have rapport with, but I know if I consider anyone a friend, I'm going to regret it