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Do you believe Madonna is involved in child trafficking?

She has been recently accused of that by the Ethiopian World Federation.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Not just her but other celebrities.
Fairydust · F
It’s massive in the pedowood celebrity world, many get blackmailed into it.
Fairydust · F
@cherokeepatti but even the oldies have hidden messages in them.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Fairydust some of them do. I am very selective about what I watch. I like the movie Scarface. To me it is a metaphor for when the Cabal comes crashing down.
Fairydust · F
been years since I’ve seen it. I hope they do get brought down.
Ontheroad · M
I believe she is a self-centered person who has a very high opinion of herself and is a bit off in many ways, but I don't believe or disbelieve these latest allegations... other than she used her fame to ignore laws and what is morally/ethically right.

Time will tell, but right now I'll wait to form an opinion.
smiler2012 · 56-60
{@bluebirdsonmyshoulder] now for what reason would a big star get involved in an illegal crime like child trafficking unless it was for the benefit of the child .l giving them a better start than they maybe would have where they are
Star1 · F
I can't believe it, not trafficking in the way the papers make it sound anyway. If she is buying children from parents who are willing to sell well, maybe its not morally right as somebody said but Im guessing they would end up in a better place.
And as for them looking happy, have you seen pics of Will Smiths kids. Ive never seen such a miserable looking pair. I dont know of any reason they should look unhappy. And Angelina Jolie? Her kids are miserable in all the pics, at least the youngest are.
Papers sell more with bigger headlines!!
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Star1 Buy children from another country and the social workers where she lives don’t get involved in home studies and follow-ups
Star1 · F
@cherokeepatti That would be the fault of the rule makers where she lives. I don't know if its the same as over here but if I thought a child was being "whatevered" by someone there are places to report. I understand some can fall through the cracks but she & her family are in a massive spotlight.
Djac17 · 22-25, M
Its possible. You know Bill Gates supposedly has death warrants in African Countries?
Fairydust · F
@Djac17 I read India for the death penalty.
The children she adopted look very unhappy and unnerved around her to me. Especially the youngest twin girls.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Must be very similar to Oprah Winfrey
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@nedkelly Madonna is said to be a high witch. At one of the super bowl game half-times she did that ritualistic dance where she sat spread-eagled in a chair. It’s the same type of dance used in Freemason ceremonies for the higher degrees.
Yea, it's possible. I wouldn't be surprised at all if she is involved.
HollyW · 18-21, F
I'll wait for the truth to come out.
TexChik · F
She’s been to Epstein’s Island … so yes.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@TexChik Epstein’s Island?
TexChik · F
@cherokeepatti yep 🤦🏻‍♀️thanks !
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@TexChik Weinstein, Epstein…they are both shits.
One year after jizzface maxwells incarceration. And not one client been even Questioned …? Weird huh?

She runs with the pedowood elitist crowd, so it's plausible.
Lilymoon · F
Yuck. and yeah I believe it.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I don’t know but it’s possible.
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