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Allround music loverr

I love all kinds of music so I am not like a big fan of anything. I like country, I like pop, I like rock, I like everything with a vibe!! I think I listen to country the most though becausee we are from the country lol. But I listen to Taylor Swift too and also to Olivia rodrigo, and also to rock bands! I guess I am alllround!!
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Jordan420 · 56-60, F
hello Swiftie. Im a country girl too
Why does everyone love Olivia Rodrigo? 🤷🏻‍♂
My Dad plays all kinds of music so I like a little of everything.
Havesomefun2 · 56-60, M
Mainly metal myself but I do delve into classical
rfatoday · 61-69, M
Sounds (no pun intended lol) like you are pretty well-rounded in interests. Some country is cool. Not a fan of the old crying-in-your-beer stuff, however. Still a fan of older British rock like Genesis (Trick of the Tail). Enjoy jazz as well, and some classical. Good topic!
Livingwell · 61-69, M
I'm a lot like you. I listen to a rich mixture of music with country being the primary genre. Listening to Lady Gaga right now on vinyl. My daughter got me into Taylor now. Very relaxing.
twistedrope · 26-30, M
Oh I'd like to test that very much. Below is one of my favourite songs, perhaps my favourite. Please tell me your opinion on it on listening.

MarcusMayhem · 31-35, M
I play loads of different types usually based on my mood, having music streaming makes it really easy to pick what I want.
I was raised on country, pop,rock, classical,blues,jazz, hard rock and gospel. Whole family of musicians
CBarson · 51-55
Mostly ambient, esp. dark ambient, black metal, and classical are my preferences.
UKNaturist · M
It doesn't do you any favours to limit the music you listen to to a single genre - good for you
Wizardry · 46-50, M
Pretty much like that for me as well. Expect for Taylor Swift and country music
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
I listens to everything .
Have a listen to Iron Maiden .
There one of my favourites
Teslin · M
Keep you options open. I like a variety of genres as well.
Convivial · 26-30, F
It's good to enjoy different varieties in music... Same as in life 🤗
It’s good to have a wide taste , mine tends to change with my mood :)
Who are your favorite bands and artists?
Convivial · 26-30, F
Music comes in many flavours... Some taste good, others... Not so good
Filipinalez · 18-21, F
I'm pretty much the same way except for rap. I just can't get into that.
You definitely have great taste in music choices
dannylawson · 61-69, M
hi Emily if you like to chat a little message me
Can we chat in pm?
Sasser469 · 26-30, F
message mee
PinkRose23 · 22-25, F
Im the same way. There's few genres I dont care much for other than death metal.
Sasser469 · 26-30, F
message me!
I always hated country. Then I moved from the city down south a bit to a rural area. I guess it's kind of grown on me.

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