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I Hate Meaningless Music

Why on earth do us tax payers have to pay for schools to teach arts and music? Like it’s absolutely useless to a child and they won’t ever make money from it, so why not just scrap that stuff and put the money towards better maths and science teaching? Kids don’t need to learn about music or art, they find their own.

Sports is a bit of a waste of money as well. Why waste it on false promises of fame or income, only to find there is none?

No, education should be about working with businesses, companies, getting children to get used to actual skills that people care about and will actually be useful for society and makes money. There is no time or place for things that does not make money or is not interesting to companies, businesses or society.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Arts and music education is about training the mind, discipline, and creative thinking. Not only is it useful for a country to invest in arts because a country without a culture is not a country worth a damn, but it has an indirect benefit to all other forms of learning.

Education is not about just printing out mindless employees out of a mold to make some asshole in a suit a lot of money.
NestChicken · 31-35, M
@CountScrofula absolutely right. I suggest the men in business suits buy out arts education, privatize it and scrap it. Then just lock up, re-educate or rehabilitate those who’ve had art jobs until they’re capable of being useful and making money
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@NestChicken I don't think you get how education works.
NestChicken · 31-35, M
@CountScrofula it doesn’t. It’s a waste of time and money
MaryJanine · 61-69, F
Some kids are talented in one or both subjects. Just because it is uninteresting to YOU doesn't mean it is NOT to someone else.

I was required to take one year of both Art and Music when I was in high school. I took both Regular and Advanced Girl's Choir. We went to the Chicago All-City Competition and won first place! I graduated that June, and in October, I landed an office position at the front desk and a switchboard. When the place closed after a year and a half. I spent the next twenty-five years with an insurance company in customer service. All this without more than one year of high school math and two years of Science.

I have a shirt which says, "Respect your elders - they graduated school without the Internet". And I still read to this day.
MaryJanine · 61-69, F
@NestChicken I can no longer work - my arthritic knees will not support me without a walker. And as for "wasting their money" I went to PUBLIC school - no extra fees involved for any competitions. No "fantasy" either.

When I could walk/work, I put my efforts into any job I held. And computers were the coming thing when I was near the end of my career. I took computer classes (required at my latest job) in the local college lab and later was taught the fine points on the job. I can still use a computer when needed.
NestChicken · 31-35, M
@MaryJanine so you see, arts was absolutely useless to you. Proved beyond doubt
MaryJanine · 61-69, F
@NestChicken Your answers prove NOTHING OF THE KIND. The classes I took were required, I took them, and had a good time as well. End of story.
TinyViolins · 31-35, M
Because the theory is that it will save money in later costs. If children are given after-school activities and creative outlets, they have something positive in their lives to keep them away from harmful things like crime, drugs, and gangs. That would save taxpayer money on police officers, court systems, jails, hospital visits, and property damage.

Kids have a lot of time and energy, so the rationale is to use that towards something positive and enjoyable for them instead of leaving them to become influenced by toxic environments
NestChicken · 31-35, M
@TinyViolins nope, more police, more prisons, tougher sentences. Punish them More. No need for arts.

If they are wrong or emotionally corrupt, lock them up, let them rot.
TinyViolins · 31-35, M
@NestChicken You realize that would cost taxpayers more money, right? That would defeat the biggest basis for your argument against these programs
Yasmeena · 26-30, F
@NestChicken lol and how many experts in science and maths do you know
NestChicken · 31-35, M
@Yasmeena more
Than art peeps
@Yasmeena well, me for starters. I'm not taking away from the point that a good grounding in math and science is critical.
JupiterDreams · 31-35
How do you know they won't make money from the arts or sports?
If anything, I think it's more likely to happen nowadays.

You should be happy that it's encouraging them to embrace their passions and what makes them happy, rather than make them hide who they really are and make them feel sad -- just because some people find it pointless.
NestChicken · 31-35, M
@JupiterDreams totally wrong.

Expression must not be allowed, it must be silenced and controlled. Look at society today. Nobody wants to know what someone else is feeling. So there is no need for arts and all that. Emotions must be taken away and destroyed and silenced, so humanity can rise above itself
The only really world-famous member of my immediate family was a sculptor. He died a millionaire and his work is in museums and cities all over the world.
NestChicken · 31-35, M
@SW-User that’s tax avoidance... let you deal with that. Fact is: some useless management will go into the museums and change it all and get rid of a load of stuff, happens all the time
@NestChicken Well, they'd auction it because it's worth a ton of money, so it would end up in other collections or privately owned. Anyway, I know you're taking the piss so imma leave it here.
NestChicken · 31-35, M
@SW-User if it’s worth money, they sell it off to somewhere they’d pay a shit ton of cash and skim off the profit to pocket themselves
luctoretemergo · 61-69, M
I hear what your saying....and I know your going to get some pushback...I like the idea of kids learning something other than academics. A little art, a little music, even actual physical don't want just a bunch of "droids" right? Again, I hear what your saying but ideally you want to give a kid a nice variety of skills....SO THEY CAN MAKE A LIVING AS A VIDEO GAMER!....who am I crapping...were doomed...
NestChicken · 31-35, M
@luctoretemergo driods is exactly the idea; then the government and media can say whatever shit they like and the new generation won’t be able to express themselves. If they do, they can be locked up and punished, that’s the only way this society can move forward.
Yasmeena · 26-30, F
Musicians, singers and footballers can make more many than doctors or mathematicians. Might not be right but thats just how it is. Not everyone can be an academic.
NestChicken · 31-35, M
@Yasmeena absolutely crap. I have one friend whose homeless and can’t earn scraps to feed himself, he was a musician, couldn’t make any dough
MaryJanine · 61-69, F
@NestChicken Sorry about your friend. But one person does not speak for everyone. It sounds like he is not using much effort.
NestChicken · 31-35, M
@MaryJanine he tried his best, but people abused and bullied him
In the industry. He lost his sanity. The country needs to get rid of arts and music and educate people about money making stuff and punish the bad people big time
MartinII · 70-79, M
I assume this is a spoof.
Pherick · 41-45, M

Oh man, for a second there I thought you were serious.
@NestChicken i agree way too many people on both sides dont think, and thinking is critical to moving forward on this planet
NestChicken · 31-35, M
@SW-User good you see the truth bud
Pherick · 41-45, M
@NestChicken Oh the irony :)

too many idiots out there who think their opinion is the only one that matters and is the truth.
so we have citizens who can think and appreciate the world, clearly the need is great
NestChicken · 31-35, M
@SW-User indoctrination is more important, all that expressive stuff is pointless. Take it away and you can then control people’s minds better, that’s better for businesses and companies who do not like people with independent thought or emotions.

Also again, absolutely pointless use of education. Should only be about maths and science, the rest is garbage.
@NestChicken you are absolutely incorrect
xixgun · M
I ‘d rather they teach music and arts than sports. I think sports should be an entirely extracurricular activity
Success · 26-30, F
Four state-supervised TV channels
NestChicken · 31-35, M
@DonaldTrumpet I take it that’s a thumbs up
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
I make money with music all the time. But, I agree that the curriculum could be far more practical. And those arts programs are being slashed anyway most places.

There's more to life than making money, though, last I checked.

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