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does any one like post hardcore music?

I absolutely love it!!!!!!!
burton318 · 31-35, M
I really like post-hardcore music. I mostly just roam the depths of spotify playlists. I try not to get too hung up on genre's because a lot of bands you can make a convincing argument for more than one but some bands I really like I think might fit are as follows:

Too Close Too Touch
The Word Alive
Crown the empire

I like a shit ton of bands but the exact genre they fit into I'm not sure. I love talking music though!
Thefightingangel · 31-35, M
@burton318: dude too close to touch is one of my all time favorites!!! I like a few songs from crown the empire too. The first band in that genre that got me hooked was hands like houses. Do you like the band dance Gavin dance?
burton318 · 31-35, M
@Thefightingangel: I've heard a some of their music through spotify playlists and I've like what I've heard. I haven't delved into their music a whole lot though.

Yes Too Close Too Touch is an amazing band! You should check out The Word Alive they are pretty amazing as well. I think you'll like them alot. Try their Dark Matter Album. It's awesome!
Thefightingangel · 31-35, M
@burton318: the word alive sounds so familiar I may have heard a few of their songs in the past. I find all these bands on YouTube Lol I looked them up and from I understand the singer from the word alive telle smith is featured on a too close to touch song called hell to pay!! I love that song! That's pretty cool. I will definitely check them out.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
Exactly what is post hardcore?
Thefightingangel · 31-35, M
@BlueMetalChick: its a punk rock music genre. But not all of is screamo(those bands with a guy screaming as loud as he can). A lot of it sounds like a blend of alternative rock and light pop. A good band in that genre is called "emarosa". They are amazing! Give their song " Mad" a listen!
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@Thefightingangel:'s light pop plus alternative plus punk? Sounds strange. I'm just a fan of straight up punk.
Thefightingangel · 31-35, M
@BlueMetalChick: well some of it has a pop sound. But if you like punk emarosa and dance Gavin dance will sound good to your ears! Trust, try "the past should stay dead" by emarosa and " uneasy hearts weigh the most" by dance Gavin dance!
Death metal for me
@Thefightingangel: i don't think so, any good?
Thefightingangel · 31-35, M
@TheGoodesttCunt: I think so. I think if you like death metal you might like them. Check out their song called "horizon effect" its a cool song
@Thefightingangel: i'll give it a listen
I'm not familiar with the genre.
Thefightingangel · 31-35, M
@bijouxbroussard: its amazing! You have time listen to a band called "dance Gavin dance". Listen to their song called " uneasy hearts weigh the most" its a great song. I think you'll like it:)
@Thefightingangel: Thanks, I'll check it out. 😊

It's really cool ! Thanks, again. 😃
Thefightingangel · 31-35, M
@bijouxbroussard: great!:)

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