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Which song gets you annoyed the instant that you hear it?

...... And do you just roll your eyes and sigh, or yell and smash the radio?

My trigger gets pulled when I hear "Come on Eileen" by Dexys Midnight Runners.
It's always played at old school family parties, and it cannot be danced to!!!
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Bobandlucy · 46-50, C Best Comment
I also can't stand c'mon Eileen
Most overrated
ArishMell · 70-79, M

Nor as a singer: I've no idea what they are singing about beyond a woman called Eileen, because the diction is so poor!
LikeMind · M
@Bobandlucy I've corrected my typo 😃
Havesomefun2 · 56-60, M
@LikeMind or cum on Eileen

Achey Breaky Heart
ArishMell · 70-79, M
Any rap and what is sold as "r&b" but has never been anywhere near a real Rhythm-&-Blues band and can barely count to 4 in sets of 12, let alone sing it!

Oh, single song... hard to choose... My Way (partly because I don't like Frank Sinatra's voice and never rated him as a singer even by the standards of his genre - he speaks the words), Supercal...atrocious (etc, from Mary Poppins), anything from The Sound of Music...

Edited to correct italics error
ArishMell · 70-79, M
Oh dear... Quite a list! Styles rather than individual songs though.

My Way grates for me by its studied illiteracy and egotism; but I never thought Frank Sinatra a singer anyway. He matches the notes and rhythms but speaks rather than sings. Some of his contemporaries, like Tony Bennett, were better as singers, though I don't like that crooning and big-band music anyway.

I don't like much jazz singing because it seems too often an excuse for not being able to sing. Same with rap, which is mainly just blokes shouting about nothing in particular, though to be fair I can't make out most of the words.
Anything by Taylor Swift
Highskirt · 56-60, M
She is a great singer but i have to agree i do not like any of her songs
ClosetCD · M
I guess any rap music with obscene language. Too much for my taste
ArishMell · 70-79, M
You can make out the "lyrics"?
badmaddie · 31-35, F
Literally anything by Ariana Grande. If I hear her voice come over the radio, I switch stations.
"I've Never Been To Me." All others pale in comparison.
supersnipe · 61-69, M
@akapol1955 Haven't heard that one in years. All I can remember about it is that I didn't like it.
benJohnson99 · 18-21, M
anything by Robbie Williams
fancyboy · 61-69, M
Oh! I already played! My apologies.....
Achy Breaky Heart
Highskirt · 56-60, M
@Txbob52 totally agree
Nothins gonna stop us now..Starship
Anything by pink...
LikeMind · M
What do you do about it, do you run away screaming?
Cotton Eyed Joe
ArishMell · 70-79, M
Seems a lot of the criticism is not of the lyrics, but of the singer. In my case it can be either.

One of the worst covers I have heard, of one of my favourite songs too, was also the most surprisingly bad considering it was by an opera singer - a genre requiring extremely high technical and artistic abilities.
fancyboy · 61-69, M
I know it's old timey, but I have to say "Turkey In The Straw"! Even when I was a little kid, it ground me to a halt.......
LikeMind · M
I don't know that one, I'll take your advice and leave on the shelf 😃@fancyboy
fancyboy · 61-69, M
@LikeMind Yeah, it really sucks!
LachrymoseLamer · 51-55, M
Little Drummer Boy. 😠
Highskirt · 56-60, M
I actually like this one .i find it is more played at xmas and new year. To b honest thats the only time i do hear it .i dont have or play it
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LikeMind · M
@funtime55: Don't make me come down there!!!
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LikeMind · M
Only if you’re invited to.....@funtime55
rottenrobi · 56-60, F
Afternoon Delight. F'ing hate that song.
LikeMind · M
supersnipe · 61-69, M
Michael Zager Band, 'Let's All Chant'.
davidstorm · C
my is them boots are made for walking and thats what they'r gona do
fack that go's right through me
Ozdharma · 61-69, M
Boz Scaggs Lido
davidstorm · C
[these boots where made for walking and thats what they will do] makes me screem in hate of this song
Beachyguy · 61-69, M
Bye Bye American Pie
Totally makes me f'n crazy when I hear it,, either leave the room, or change channels if in the car.... :(
Freddie222 · M
The Birdie Song, most things by Black Lace!
Havesomefun2 · 56-60, M
Heaven is a half pipe
Havesomefun2 · 56-60, M
Heaven is a half pipe
benJohnson99 · 18-21, M
Angels Robbie Williams such an overrated song
fancyboy · 61-69, M
"Takin' Care Of Business". Suckiest song ever.
fancyboy · 61-69, M
@LikeMind: Bachman-Turner Overdrive. Really good band; just too bad they're best known for that pile of sh!!!
LikeMind · M
I hate "You ain't seen nothin' yet "
fancyboy · 61-69, M
@LikeMind: Yeah, it sucks too. Maybe they weren't that good after all.........
davidstorm · C
this song gets right up my ass its like that nigaling grating itchy pile right inside where you can't get it, that's what this song feels like to me when i hear it = [these boots are made for walking and that's what they will do] bhaa
Havesomefun2 · 56-60, M
Heaven is a have pipe god I freaking hate that song

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