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Laugh tracks on sitcoms should just be replaced with an "Applause/Laughter" sign flashing on the screen

You know, like the ones they use for studio audiences.

I guarantee you the people sitting at home will laugh once the "LAUGH" message appears and cheer when the "APPLAUSE" message comes up. They're practically told to find something funny already with the laugh tracks. It really shouldn't make a difference if an audible audience is heard on these shows or not, so long as they know when they're supposed to be entertained.
MellyMel22 · F
Ive always hated that. I can tune it out awhile, but it starts back up and irritates me 🤣
ineedadrink · 51-55, M
My inverse scale of comedy states that the more laugh tracks in a show, the shittier & unfunny it is.
Samek · 36-40, M
Sounds like a setup for a surreal horror series.

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