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Did Star Trek actually predict something that's going to happen in the next couple years?

Of course it is true that life has imitated the art of Star Trek in multiple small ways, often intentionally. Just to pick one example the flip phone was intentionally patterned after TOS communicators. I'm referring to something quite different and more serious. But it should also be noted that this Star Trek story has been retconned in a few ways. The latest one could actually be a scenario that will play out.

The Eugenics Wars, of which Kahn was a product, were originally supposed to be part and partial of World War III, taking place in the 1990's. TNG retconned that history. A few changes later, and current Trek has WWIII growing out of the Second American Civil War, which takes place in 2026. 2026.

Let's assume for a minute that Trump ends up in the whitehouse again and keeps acting the same way, and the far left manages to rally the type of support for taking up arms that we failed to rally for going to the polls. This could very easily lead to a second civil war. It's entirely possible.

Traveling faster than the speed of light on a ship with gravity and breathable air to visit planets where the natives look human and speak English, that is still hogwash. But Trump being in no small part responsible for WWIII? Yeah, it's still a stretch that a civil war here would lead to a world war, but not that much of a stretch. But Trump being the primary cause of at least one of those things? Very feasible.
IM5688 · 61-69, M
I see the world today as moving closer and closer to the Star Trek episode, A Taste of Armageddon.
On a mission to establish diplomatic relations at Star Cluster NGC321, Kirk and Spock beam down to planet Eminiar 7 to learn that its inhabitants have been at war with a neighboring planet for over 500 years. They can find no damage nor evidence of destruction but soon learn that their war is essentially a war game, where each planet attacks the other in a computer simulation with the tabulated victims voluntarily surrendering themselves for execution after the fact. When the Enterprise becomes a victim in the computer simulation and ordered destroyed, Kirk decides it's time to show them exactly what war means.
I'd be more afraid of the right picking up arms if Trump doesn't get back in the Whitehouse, primarily because we've already seen them do that. But it's certainly possible it would happen on a much bigger scale this time and become a civil war. That possibility is no reason to give him the power he wants and give up your rights though.
Carla · 61-69, F
@NerdyPotato i have more faith in our military and police. It may be displaced.
But i firmly believe that if there was an armed uprising, it would be put down in a minute. People would die. But, it takes two sides to fight a war. Democrats would leave it the professionals. Right wing nut jobs vs the usa. Who wins?
@Carla it won't be a long war if the right starts it indeed.
We are literally on the brink of WW3 because of Biden funding proxy wars..
And you are all like.. orange man bad..

This is why we are doomed.

JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
Trump has no honor. And is whiny.

So I think the Terran resistancd can count on Klingon intervention.

But the Romulans will arm both sides. They have no honor.

The Cardies just want to put us in camps and torture us until we agree that the number of lights is what they say it is, not what we see.

Then the Borg will arrive and assimilate us all.

1olderguy20 · 61-69, M
Try deep space nine when they go back to san Francisco in year 2025 w sanctuaries in cities w economic inproprity
They don't speak English...
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