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If you're a Star Trek fan, I have a question for you

On the TV show, Star Trek the next generation, you have the starship Enterprise it's a Galaxy class starship, one of its weapons is a photon torpedo. In the second next generation movie, you have the Enterprise e which is a sovereign class ship, and it has quantum torpedoes.

Would it be possible to completely overhaul the Galaxy classes photon torpedoes and loaded with quantum torpedoes or would it be an impossibility?

This is just for fun. But a question I'm curious about nonetheless.
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th3r0n · 41-45, M
It would not change the class of the ship, but they should be able to use quantum torpedoes

The launching mechanism should be identical, it is the same difference as a standard explosive and a nuclear weapon

It is simply better technology inside
twiigss · M
@th3r0n That's what I would think too. Riker's Enterprise with the 3rd nacelle in the center still only shot photon torpedoes, but that was before the sovereign class was realized.
th3r0n · 41-45, M
@twiigss I don't think the technology existed
gdon39 · 46-50, M
I always wonder how Geordi LaForge and every engineer were able to modify current systems and modify the ships power to what ever system.

It’s not for us to question.

twiigss · M
@gdon39 I always wondered about that too. It seems like those isolinear chips can be switched around to augment different programs.
Elena05 · F
i am not a complete nerd but quantum torpedoes have apparently been developed in direct response to the borg thread to penetrate their shield systems
twiigss · M
@Elena05 I believe you are right about that. I wouldn't think the time and effort is going to want to be put in to overhaul the existing galaxy class ships when all they have to do is build more sovereign class ships.

Plus I think the sovereign class can carry like 8 warp cores or something crazy.
RichM · 46-50, M
@Elena05 I agree.
GerOttman · 61-69, M
You mean, load the new weapon in the same tube? Might depend on the load, arm, and launch process too. Could mean a full overhaul, plus that would provide more jobs for people who choose to work in the cashless Star Trek society.
twiigss · M
I was thinking more along the lines of, the whole entire torpedo system has to be overhauled to accommodate the quantum torpedoes.
GerOttman · 61-69, M
@twiigss pretty much, even if it did use the same 700 mm bore, it's just a whole new animal! 4,000 workers, double shifts, overtime points in the holo-deck...
twiigss · M
@GerOttman Now that's a great idea I like it
Whodunnit · M
To my knowledge they are interchangeable, one just being a technological upgrade. It's a case of it being a different warhead on the same delivery system.
twiigss · M
@Whodunnit Yea see, that's where I'm at. Is it just a simple change X out for Y, or is it a complete overhaul.
Whodunnit · M
@twiigss Perhaps a relatively small alteration to the launch tubes if the torpedoes are a different shape, but certainly not a complete overhaul of the ship.
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twiigss · M
They make shit up on the spot to suit whatever the situation calls for I'm sure they can overhaul some torpedo bays xD and I say that lovingly as a star trek fan.
twiigss · M
@MrBlueGuy Yea they make up a ton of stuff for whatever the situation is.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
Its possible.

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