Not as elegant as Kubrick’s “2001…”
And not as sleek as the Wachowski’s Matrix’s but I found it strangely and strikingly interesting…
DarkStar (1974)
Bomb 20’s goofy AI approximated intellect and voice did have a certain level of appeal to my heavily cannabis infused mind…
I guess I could identify with the simplicity of this innate feeling that I have personally had for longer than I can recall. I don’t know why but I do know that it exists inside of me…
On some level I feel like my one purpose in life “is to explode of course” 🤓
And it could only ever happen once!
I think it could be spectacularly amazing!!
(Plus I feel phenomenology is an interesting and under-appreciated subject/concept in my opinion)
Antiloop - Purpose In Life
DarkStar (1974)
Bomb 20’s goofy AI approximated intellect and voice did have a certain level of appeal to my heavily cannabis infused mind…
I guess I could identify with the simplicity of this innate feeling that I have personally had for longer than I can recall. I don’t know why but I do know that it exists inside of me…
On some level I feel like my one purpose in life “is to explode of course” 🤓
And it could only ever happen once!
I think it could be spectacularly amazing!!
(Plus I feel phenomenology is an interesting and under-appreciated subject/concept in my opinion)
Antiloop - Purpose In Life
46-50, F