If they're cold, there's warm places that they can go to during the day. The only reason why I couldn't go is because the 10am to 3pm opening hours didn't match with my sleeping routine.
@HootyTheNightOwl The fuel payment should be reinstated with following amendments the threshold should be increased a long with increased amount of the payment for those at the lower end. Why should someone be forced to go out in the cold to find somewhere warm to stay, they should be able to heat their own homes
@Avectoijesuismoi Here's the thing, though. I'm not as caught up in the winter fuel payments angle as you seem to be.
See, I know that I'm not the only one that went through half of December with no working boiler and had the temperatures drop so low that it's cracked one of my windows.
My advice isn't just for the elderly, but for everyone who is struggling to heat their homes through no fault of their own this winter.
They're not going to reinstate the benefit so soon after they took it away, and, even if they did reinstate it today... there's still going to be people who are cold in their homes this Christmas because they can't afford to pay the heating bills.
I'm trying to keep them out of hospital, too. I know how much it sucks to sleep and live in the exact same outfit because it's the warmest thing that you own.
Sometimes, getting out and being seen is the only way to get counted and make the true scale of the problem visible and unavoidable.
@FreddieUK So this is okay and acceptable with the BBC ????
George Michael had several scandals that made headlines, including his arrest for public lewdness in 1998 and multiple drug-related offenses: Arrest: Michael was arrested for public lewdness in 1998 while driving his Bentley convertible. The story was broken by Splash News, whose motto was "Your misfortune is our fortune". Drug use: Michael had multiple drug-related offenses. Personal life: Michael's personal life was often in the news
Perhaps next year it will be Another Rock n Roll Christmas by Gary Glitter Doing all right with the boys and do you wanna touch could even be the other tracks on the CDs
If they play it, I guess so. I think many rock/pop music groups have run up against the law one way or another, but perhaps dead ones don't count? I tend to get my music from Radio 3 these days and so I don't hear a lot of this stuff.