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Have you seen the musical, The Sound Of Music?

It’s such a sweet one. 😍
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Gibbon · 70-79, M
Yes when I was a kid in 1965. My parents and me with my aunt and uncle and 3 cousins all went to see it in the theater. Saw it several times again within the next ten years.
@Gibbon I read today that for its time, it grossed more money than any movie ever had.
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@NoGamesTolerated yes it had a huge following. I saw it in the now closed Uptown Theater in Washington DC. Big curved cinema screen. The same theater ran 2001 a Space Odyssey for around 2 years straight.
@Gibbon I really enjoyed this show! 🙂
Lukeman · M
Notice the costume changes on Maria's outing with the children. She stayed up all night to make them playclothes which they changed in and out of while roaming about town. She doesn't appear the slightest bit sleepy.
@Lukeman yeah… and then again it’s a movie… lol
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
Was the first time you watched just recently?
@Jenny1234 yes. However I have heard of it for ages. 🙂
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
@NoGamesTolerated it’s such a wonderful musical. I love the music and the storyline.
@Jenny1234 all of it was awesome to me too!
That's one I've never seen. People tell me I need to watch it.
@PhoenixPhail It’s so sweet!
HumanEarth · F
Of Course, look at my age. I was forced to watched it as a kid
@HumanEarth awww ☺️
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
Yes. My parents took me to see it when I was about 10.
@Nitedoc 🙂
I think I downloaded the wrong version

BlueRain · 51-55, F
At least 15 times
@BlueRain I take it you liked it?! 😃

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