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New Salems Lot

Just seen the trailer it looks absolute crap

How can a tv show nearly 50 years old look more professional & scary than a multi million dollar Hollywood production in 2024
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AdaXI · T
I wonder if it will be as bad as Return to Salems Lot...
AdaXI · T
@DaveE54 Haha yeah me neither but joking aside I've heard the new movie has had a lot of production issues because they wanted to keep it under 2 hours long.

Which straight away makes you worry because the classic '79 version is fairly streamlined compared to the novel but they needed to make it a two part mini series 3+ hours long just to fit enough depth in to make it as good as it was.

So yeah we're probably gonna have to kiss good bye to any atmospheric plot depth before we even start with this one sadly Dave.

You know the drill with all these modern re-imagings by now they're usually very forgettable seen it all before toss that won't really have that much to do with the original story plot other than the basic premise.
DaveE54 · 56-60, MVIP
@AdaXI Hollywood is broken with no originality left anymore. You are right in saying that the original tv series had 2 episodes and built the tension with aplomb. But this is Hollywood & it’s all about crash bang wallop get to the end as soon as you can so people don’t get bored. The first signs of this being a dud was it having its release date shelved, followed by the announcement it was not even going to get a theatrical release but go straight to tv.

I just wish they would leave classics alone - there was never the need to reimagine Salem’ Lot - it’s a classic so if it ain’t broken there is no need to fix it.
AdaXI · T
@DaveE54 I totally 100% agree with that analysis Dave. Reason I originally thought of 'Return to Salem's Lot' as in lets just make a pile of shyte stick 'Salem's Lot' in the title and cash in on a well known classic's reputation...

Obviously not quite as horribly as that one but it's still the same thing and it won't be a patch on the well thought out original.
cd4259 · 61-69, M
The remakes are just a shadow of the original movies or TV shows
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
I liked the original but I’ll check out this new one
exexec · 70-79, C
The original was really scary. I don't think I will see the remake.

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