I always liked the Disney Robin hood of 1973. The animated animal one. To this day, the introductory song with whistling still gets stuck in my head and I whistle it from time to time. I don't know why I really liked this film growing up, but I did. I know I really liked the voice of Robin hood. I fell in love with that voice as a kid and loved to listen to it. I liked alot of the voice acting, and the songs. and the general silliness of the movie. And also maybe because I had a little bit of a childhood sweetheart and liked the idea of love, and wondering if he loved me and would remember me fondly even when we went our separate ways in life, like the main characters wondered about each other.
I also liked the love song in it. I appreciated the idea even as a child that we grow and change, Life is brief, and we should appreciate the present moment, and things do end one day. But you can remember the good experiences, and in a way love lives on within us, and we can express that if we wish to.
Pinocchio is incredible. This scene of all the cuckoo clocks going off at once in Gepetto’s workshop is incredible. Every frame was drawn by hand in those days!