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Awwww:3 So coot! It is okay to cry. I cried over Ralph Breaks the internet. So yeah I get it. lol
letitbewild · 31-35, F

@letitbewild It's okay. *offers you a shoulder to cry on*
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Don’t watch “the never ending story “
letitbewild · 31-35, F
Thanks for making me relive that trauma 

MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@letitbewild You’re welcome.
flimflam · M
Don't worry, it's all a universe created in his mind by Dr Strange.
letitbewild · 31-35, F
- x-files theme playing -
UpsideOutInsideDown · 36-40, M
At least Rocket survived
letitbewild · 31-35, F
True. I’d be twice as torn because he’s a raccoon.
UpsideOutInsideDown · 36-40, M
@letitbewild Best bet is to switch it off after "Bring me THANOS!" No moment will top that
Allelse · 36-40, M
Even comedies?
letitbewild · 31-35, F
My default emotional reaction to anything is tears, so yes.
Allelse · 36-40, M
@letitbewild Awwwww! But are they happy tears?
lily88mercy · 26-30, F
"there, there, dear!"
*hands her a hanky*

"there, there, dear!"
*hands her a hanky*

Montanaman · M
Wind River.
Gets me every time.
Gets me every time.

I’ve cried during finding Nemo

Just wait until End Game where people really start dying.....

flimflam · M
Cried during the first two minutes of pete's dragon.. Wtf... I did not expect that!
xSharp · 31-35, M
i love how spidermans spidey sense made his last few moments so terrifying, not being able to hop out of the way like always, while everyone else got to fade away in blissful ignorance siiiiigh
, it made the rest of that crap movie almost worth watching