Jokersswild · 22-25VIP
It's time to put down the comic books and grow up. Pray our generation are not as juvenile as Gen X and Millennials.
JJones · 18-21, M
@Jokersswild Or here's an idea mind your own business and just let people enjoy whatever they like, it's their life. Got nothing to do with you, you can be boring by yourself. Nobody cares about your outdated toxic mindset
JJones · 18-21, M
tenente · 100+, M
whoa! someone's armpits are spicy 😂
It's time to put down the comic books and grow up. Pray our generation are not as juvenile as Gen X and Millennials.
whoa! someone's armpits are spicy 😂
tenente · 100+, M
happy disney is taking marvel in this direction. they could never equal or exceed the success of phase 1 to 3. now they get to reboot the fantastic 4 in a huge universe spanning narrative tying together multiple characters and storylines with dr doom.
why RDJ tho? going to say, seeing tony stark as dr victor von doom is going to be ... weird...
why RDJ tho? going to say, seeing tony stark as dr victor von doom is going to be ... weird...