The Warriors
This 1979 film, based on a novel by the same name, focuses on a New York City street gang–the Warriors, who are falsely accused of killing a widely admired gang leader at a midnight conclave in the Bronx. A hit is put out on the Warriors and they have to endure a harrowing night dodging and fighting other gangs as they attempt to make their way home to Coney Island, approximately 30 miles away.
The Warriors had a mixed reception when it was originally released, but it has since become a cult classic. I happen to think it's a great film. For me, there wasn't a dull moment; it held my attention from start to finish.
Fun Fact: President Ronald Reagan was a fan of the movie. He screened it at Camp David and called the film's lead actor, Michael Beck, to tell him how much he enjoyed it.
The clip posted below is the final (and my favorite) scene in the movie. You can really feel the characters' relief as their nightmarish ordeal has finally come to end.
Closing credits – The Warriors; Music: "In the City" – Joe Walsh
The Warriors had a mixed reception when it was originally released, but it has since become a cult classic. I happen to think it's a great film. For me, there wasn't a dull moment; it held my attention from start to finish.
Fun Fact: President Ronald Reagan was a fan of the movie. He screened it at Camp David and called the film's lead actor, Michael Beck, to tell him how much he enjoyed it.
The clip posted below is the final (and my favorite) scene in the movie. You can really feel the characters' relief as their nightmarish ordeal has finally come to end.
Closing credits – The Warriors; Music: "In the City" – Joe Walsh