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Al. Bobby. Clint. Kietel. Sam Jackson. Morgan Freeman. Tommy Lee Jones. Harrison Ford. Guy Pearce. Brendan Gleeson. Christopher Walken. Christopher Lee. Sean Connery. Sean Bean.

Latter day: Benedict Cumberbatch, Jake Gyllenhaal, Riz Ahmed. Siarsoe Ronan, Gemma Arterton, Tom 'Arrrdy!

Chris Pine! He's great.

Christian Bale had promise once [American Psycho, Equilibrium] but threw it away to talk like a dick for three films [well...two and a half.].

That reminds me: Keaton. 👍

I actually think Cruise is fantastic even if he is from space...but he has to have the right role. Born on the 4th of July?? Fantastic performance. He runs the gamut in that.

I like many actors. Denzel Washington, Ethan Hawke.

Jack Lemmon! Tony Curtis. Gregory Peck. Anthony Perkins.

Jeff Goldblum. Oh god I'm just gonna shut up now. I'm basically just gonna never hush.

Duvall! Douglas [Michael].

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Walea · 41-45, F
@SW-User love me some TCM actors.
You sure you don't want to stick Olivia De Havilland and Mary Pickford in there ?

lol I understand this reference! 👍

[If we were talking game changers then I would be forced to include Leni Riefenstahl but purely for technical reasons...I am not convinced she didn't know what Hitler was up to.]

Iwillwait · M
I don't have a "Least Favourite Actor," per say, just >than performances.

I appreciate so many depths of acting by performers.

My typical goto's are not the Big Box Office namesakes.

I love the acting of Delroy Lindo, Tim Roth, Tom Hardy (most diverse), Sam Rockwell, Octavia Spencer, Frank Grillo, JK Simmons, Isabela Merced (young actor), Willem Defoe, Tim Robbins, Bill Paxton, Halley Barry, Mark Wahlberg, Kevin Bacon, Tom Hanks, Margot Robbie, Marisa Tomei, Rosie Perez, Christian Bale and Guy Pearce.
Iwillwait · M
@Jenny1234 MeToo.
@Jenny1234 Marisa Tomei. Yes aunt May has never looked that good
Iwillwait · M
@SW-User 😏
LadyJ · F
I love Tom Hardy and Gerard butler and female it's has to be Sheridan Smith ..I dislike Tom cruise
@Jenny1234 I like how you can see he sort of is doing an Elvis impression for like a split second there. Always acting.
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
@SW-User his ego is so inflated I cannot stand him. Even when I was a teenager in the eighties I hated him. All my girlfriends loved him more than life. He isn’t even good looking imo
@SW-User You don't jump on couches when you're in love?
chrisCA · M
Some of my favourites are Clint Eastwood, Charlton Heston, Roddy McDowell, Jimmy Stewart, and Al Pacino.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Favourites: Helen Mirren, Penelope Keith, Felicity Kendal, Christopher Eccleston, Timothy West, Tommy Lee Jones, Mads Mikkelsen, Katherine Hepburn, Kevin Kline. There are so many good and even great actors, I can't list them all.

Least favourite? I try to forget them so I can't name most of them; but Adam Sandler is an unforgettable unfavourite.
@ninalanyon Felicity Kendal was a real hottie too. <3 Eccleston.

And yes there are far too many! So many greats and also the lesser known character actors [which I always thought was a strange label...I mean aren't they all?].
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
@ninalanyon Adam sandler really makes me laugh. He’s a favourite in my family
ravenwind43 · 51-55, F
Anthony Hopkins and Bette Davis are a couple favorites

Can't stand Tom Cruise. Sure there a lot more I dislike.
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
Are we talking acting ability or shagability? 🤔

(Posting for a friend)
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
@Harriet03 you could do both
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GovanDUNNY · M
Mel Gibson for the brave heart hypocrisy
Scarfface · 46-50, M
The exact opposite to yours 🤔 crazy
Gene Hackman
Denzel Washington
Rene Russo simply because her laugh is so beautiful

I don't dislike actors I simply don't care much about them and movies in general.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Tom Hanks, Emma Thompson, Denzel Washington, Stanley Tucci, Meryl Streep, Waltor Goggins.

Nicholas Cage sucks.
@Thevy29 For some reason the little dig at the end about Cage really got me. 😂
Walea · 41-45, F
Love Jeff Bridges, Morgan Freeman, Idris Elba, Chadwick Bosnan😥. Can't watch Seth Rogan. Not a fan of Nicholas Cage.
I can’t stand Jennifer Aniston and many others. I like Julia Roberts because her movies are mostly always great.
Oh, and Stallone. I have to mention Stallone. He can act he just has been in some duds in his day but who hasn't?
robert pattinson and emma watson the rest idc
Nimbus · M
Crystal the Monkey

Manis the Orang Utan
Who has this kind if time?
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