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Comcast and Contract Slavery? FORCED TO PAY COMCAST!

I wonder if anyone knows about this business practice employed by Comcast/Xfinity?

They send salesmen round to large apartment buildings and to mobile home parks all over the country, (if allowed to so so by state law), and they convince the owners or management of said buildings or parks that they will be able to provide VERY cheap basic television service to all the residents of said park or building, BUT each resident will be required thereafter to subscribe to this basic service, and it will be paid, by necessity, as part of their rent.

WE did not sign this contract. WE signed a rental agreement, and Comcast has made it so we can't even live in our apartments unless we sign on with THEM as PART OF OUR RENT!!!

If a resident in a mobile home park is elderly, and very ill, he or she may not UNSUBSCRIBE from Comcast and use that money to pay for his or her medications, as they would be able to do if they were, in fact, FREE to manage their own lives and their own budgets. No. Because if he or she did that, they would be EVICTED FOR NON PAYMENT OF RENT!!!

It's a monopoly...or contract slavery...for all who reside in these Comcast contract slave compounds.

I live in such a building. I didn't own a television set when I moved in, because I subscribed to HULU previously. I had a very old, huge and heavy tv after my divorce, but when I realized I couldn't even lift it without someone to help me, I put a "Free" sign on it and left it by the side of the road.

Try to imagine how I felt...paying for cable television service every month when I didn't even own a television. I suffered immensely trying to get a black friday bargain television the following year, and I hated Comcast intensely through every moment of that suffering.

Sounds oh so good...discounted basic...for all...UNTIL Comcast does their usual thing. They don't fix the problems their customers are having with speed, sound, or reception unless you are VERY angry and have called them at least three to four times.

Then they begin removing channels. Instead of the channels you had when you were forced to sign on, you get 10 fewer channels for the same money, and of the channels you actually get, 5 of them are in Spanish.

Then they start taking away the free movies they told you you would get, substituting cowboy movies from 1934 so they can pretend they still offer LOTS of movies. There are some good movies listed under free movies, but if you click on them, you discover you can only get them if you pay for a subscription service.

So it's a bait and switch, too.

NOW, instead of $19.95 per month, Comcast forces us to pay them $22.00 a month, IN OUR RENT. They take away more and more, and then the price goes up.

AND because Comcast/Xfinity owns all the cable, customers who live in Comcast contract slave compounds must pay for Comcast in addition to any other service they might want, such as Verizon or satellite service.

In MY building we are not even allowed to do that. Satellite dishes are not allowed, and Verizon may not come in to wire only ONE apartment.

How would YOU feel?
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HannahSky · F
I'd report to the home association and the state.
4meAndyou · F
@HannahSky The state is already aware of it and so are the home owners associations, whose members are also forced to pay as part of their rent.
HannahSky · F
@4meAndyou seems like the state should be clear on whether or not they can actually do that and go from there.
4meAndyou · F
@HannahSky I live in one of those effed states...Elizabeth Warren is my state senator.
HannahSky · F
@4meAndyou oh 🤔 still, there's strict guidelines regarding those parks because they do have elderly and disabled people who are on limited incomes. Sometimes local awareness or gov helps more if they know about it. Senior advocate groups are no joke.
4meAndyou · F
@HannahSky There's a thought. The mobile home park my friend lives in is for over 55, so I think the Senior Advocate groups are the way to go.
HannahSky · F
@4meAndyou they'll get on it lol don't mess with those people 😂