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Thoughts On the Gaza Fighting...... What is really going on over there?

Firstly, I will state that my inclination is to be supportive of Israel and its right to exist.
Secondly, I find it hard to believe anything that the mainstream media says anymore especially after the Lies and Propaganda that it happily vomited out of its corrupt mouths during the COVID and Ukraine affairs.

As a past professional military man, I have studied the military battles fought by Israel for it survival. But as a man of Western culture, I do find it hard to really comprehend the visceral hatred that is smouldering in the population of the Middle East. I know that it is there, and to a certain extent, I get it. But what I can’t grasp is the inability to find a compromise, peaceful co-existence.

Purely as a practical security point of view, no morals being considered, it would seem practical for Israel to bulldoze the Gaza strip into the sea. It has been a festering sore of hatred and violence for so long now. Excise it and remove it. On the Flip side, taking a moral approach. I am sure there are many innocent people who have no choice but to be Palestinians and stay there.

I am concerned that the media is only telling us what they want us to hear, like the aforementioned COVID and Ukraine stories. When they talk about the atrocities of Hamas, did they actually do them? Or was it like Buche in Ukraine, where it was the Ukrainian SPD who killed suspected Russian sympathisers and then blamed it on the Russians?

I have absolutely no doubt that atrocities have occurred in this attack by Hamas, but was it to the scale the western media portrays?
Anther thing that concerns me it that Prime Minister Netanyahu has had to make a coalition with seriously radical Right-Wing Jews. If he wants to keep in government, the PM now faces a very much band of action in which to manoeuvre in. The more radial, Left or Right, Religious or Secular, the harder it is to make a compromise.
Also, the other side of the coin is that Iran and other Islamic nations have declared openly and with total credulity that they want Israel destroyed and obliterated. Mmm much room to manoeuvre there? NO!

If yu respond to this post. Don’t be stupid and through up party lines and ideological rubbish. Give me a thoughtful response that we can all incorporate into the big picture.
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Abstraction · 61-69, M
Most ordinary people on both sides just want to lead peaceful lives. Hamas is a corrupt and violent terrorist organisation. The current Israeli government is running an apartheid regime that steadily undermines and erodes any opportunity for normal lives for Palestinians. Both sides are given to misinformation. Both are supported by idealogues on either side.

I've been on both sides of the wall and talked to ordinary people. I'm on the side of all the ordinary peaceful people of both sides. They are all human beings who want to just live their lives.
Abstraction · 61-69, M
@SW-User I do worry about them cutting off water and food and demanding 1.1 million people to move. This creates humanitarian disasters - which is a phrase but the reality when it happens is horrific. This government has a pattern of destroying housing and banning import of any materials to rebuild... This is all a matter of public record.
@Abstraction I know. And the WHO and others are on record right now saying as hospitals are being warned to leave, that these are vulnerable populations that can't leave, if we try to move them, many will certainly die.
@Abstraction I have a hard time believing, if they are willing to attack hospitals, they want to remove their threat forever. Why risk that way?
TwistedApe · 51-55, M
@pancakeslam Tha Arabic nations seem to want thimgs 100% thier way or no deal. I recall a while ago that Israel was going to conceed 99% of a demand made of them. But just refused to give up the Golan hieghts. Fair enough too, in my opinion. So the wholr deal was rejected.
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
Sadly Hamas is Israel's creation. They thought by creating Hamas they would weaken the PLO. The entire conflict could be over if both sides decided they want to live in peace. Sadly Gaza is little more than a large concentration camp created after Israel double crossed the people living in Southern Israel. The hatred by Hamas is the result of Israel refusing to get along with the Gazans.
TwistedApe · 51-55, M
.@hippyjoe1955 bit like how the US pretty much created the Taliban by supporting and building up the Afghan Mujahedeen

But surely the hatred goes both ways?
carpediem · 61-69, M
They want Israel to disappear. Anything short of that is unacceptable. You can wish it's all going to be better and everyone lives in peace, but that is NOT what the desired goal is now, or ever was.

Netanyahu needs to be more forceful with this incursion than ever before. This will never end as long as Hamas controls Gaza. It's time to eradicate Hamas from the earth. Maybe then peace loving Palestinians, if there are any and I believe there are, can live a life worth living. They surely can't under the control of these Hamas terrorists.
carpediem · 61-69, M
@TwistedApe Hatred from ideologs. The people living under their rule are living a terrible life. Not a single person seems to give a crap about that. They simply want to pretend Israel is committing some sort of genocide. Idiots...
TwistedApe · 51-55, M
@carpediem It goes back to the Evil Oppressor vs Undeserving Victim mentality, I guess. In the early days of the state of Israel, it was the "underdog". Now it is a thriving and vibrant country and the Arabs are still living in a semi-feudal society, the roles have reversed. Though, keeping in mind the birth of Israel was not without controversy and violence (I am thinking of the bombing of the King David Hotel).
carpediem · 61-69, M
@TwistedApe Israelis are moving ahead living lives and creating a society worth living in. The Palestinians are doing the exact opposite. They teach their children to hate.
4meAndyou · F
I think a lot of what is going on has something to do with the vengeance element inherent in BOTH cultures. Israel seems a little bit more enlightened, but Hamas is embedded like a deep tick in among the Palestinians.

When you hear the tales of horrifying murders of Israelis by Hamas, feel free to do your own fact checking. For example, one forensic doctor told of parents tied to their children at the outlying Kibbutzim, and both burned alive together.

I have also heard that one of the local leaders of Hamas is out for vengeance because his family died in an Israeli bombing.
TwistedApe · 51-55, M
@4meAndyou Can you clarify a little about this section please?....(When you hear the tales of horrifying murders of Israelis by Hamas, feel free to do your own fact checking. For example, one forensic doctor told of parents tied to their children at the outlying Kibbutzim, and both burned alive together.)
4meAndyou · F
TwistedApe · 51-55, M
@4meAndyou thank you, I will look at those links later.
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
Palestinians have been controlled by a series of corrupt leaders for years! Yassir Arafat died a billionaire from skimming aid money sent to Palestinians, but they lack the ability to do anything about it. And the indoctrination they put their little kids through to want to grow up to kill jews is another problem.
TwistedApe · 51-55, M
@fanuc2013 I did not know that Arafat was a billionaire, but it would not surprise me. I have seen reports years ago that were showing how they were brainwashing kiddies to grow up and want to kill Jews. But I have not seen anything like that for years. I may be turning into and bit of a conspiracy theorist, but.... That may not fit into the woke agenda of the Palestinians being poor helpless victims
Abstraction · 61-69, M
@fanuc2013 A lot of Palestinians and their children aren't brought up like that and don't want to kill. They struggle to just get on with ordinary life under really the most unfair discrimination. It's really horrendous and soul-destroying. I've spent time in the West Bank. Palestinians have been controlled by a series of corrupt leaders, yes. I'm not on either side, I'm on the side of decent humanity and care for ordinary people on both sides. Hamas' attack on innocent people is inexcusable and has brought havoc a destruction on so many lives. But day-to-day life continues to be unacceptably oppressive for those who aren't at war and nothing changes.
JustJan · F
At times I wonder if Religion ( all religions) are something that have been initiated by the Gangsters of the day, I bet if it was at all possible to check back through written History without any Dilutions I don't think they are based on a Good Mans ideas just a way of each one conning new members into their Gangs
Chelsiegirl · 46-50, T
who knows the real truth.. they could be bombing so they can invade and sell the land for real-estate and make money, move everyone to the south.. cut off part of that county.. sell houses and land.. big corps and gov make money..
Bibis 9-11..

Last month Israel was protesting the current leadership..

Next minute…..
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
I just wonder. Do they see all of Israel's concessions and peace negotiations as evidence of weakness? What's their game?
TwistedApe · 51-55, M

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