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There is an ex member of this site, very well respected and liked

Who lied, very flamboyantly and easily about their glamorous job, to the point they would post photos that never happened and gave out advice that they weren’t qualified to give. They were very popular with the women on here for it, but they made the whole thing up. They also lied about their marital status, or didn’t ever mention it, so lied by omission while flirting and acting single. They were seen as very kind and altruistic.

They are a raging narcissist, they did it for power and attention. They also have an alternate account which is their outlet for trying to talk to women about their dangerous and illegal fetish in which they wish to be gruesomely unalived. They get sick kicks out of putting it out there. The dissonance between the two accounts is unreal but it’s the same person.

A year into me knowing them, they revealed the truth to me and left sw, conveniently deleting the years and years of lies. I’ve always wondered how much other people knew, how much they told others and I guess I always will.
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
So what’s your point? You’ve described about 40% of the people here (and I’m being generous).
@Magenta right! I definitely have learned to be more careful from this. People that like to tell people how good and kind and nice they are, are a bit suspicious…
Magenta · F
@Jelly It's a waving 🚩
@Magenta can you believe that in the beginning this person was constantly pointing out red flags I was giving them? With them secretly running a whole red flag store?! 🤣
That’s so sad bc alarm level narcs never take accountability for their behaviour… they are never wrong.

So the cycle is never broken it goes on and on from one supply to the next with them

They are literally built like machines … they see people as objects not human beings

Some narcs want to change … others who don’t indulge in their behaviour

It’s truly sad and infuriating because without their bs the world would be so much better instead they want to drain the life out of good people like the energy vampire that they are

I cannot be around anybody like that again

And I have sadly been surrounded by more than one in my life

Life is we beautiful without people like that in my life that’s for sure

Narcissism was only truly discovered in the 18th century aswell so in regard to evolution and it’s entirety it’s really not that long ago so it should be something we educate ourselves on imho

There’s a lot of people and families falling apart because of narcissists

They are very destructive people

The person you are describing gives me chills
This doesn't ring any bell whatsoever and I've been very active on here since the beginning... 🤷
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@NerdyPotato Same. All those with supposedly glamorous jobs are still on here and aren't popular with women at all.
@NerdyPotato they definitely had a solid group of people they’d talk to and were a presence on here. I’d see them a lot anyway and they’d have lots of likes and comments
@Jelly maybe they blocked me before I saw much of them then 🤷
Miram · 31-35, F
Name and shame. Often some people deserve to be shamed.
@Miram I would but I’m a tad nervous they’re still kicking around on here anonymously.
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@Miram agreed 😄
zonavar68 · 51-55, M
Narcissists can't handle other people knowing the truth. I have personal experience with a narcissistic woman who didn't reveal her true colours until the day she discovered she was pregnant with our daughter.
@zonavar68 I’m sorry, that’s horrible. I think the concealing and lying is just second nature to them
Tbh they don't sound familiar at all. I'm guessing they are not someone that I interacted with. I can't think of any members here who have professed to having a glamorous job.
@FishBotThing it was a good few years ago. They would mix select aspects of their real life with the pretending they had this job to make it all seem legit. And this went all the way back to experience project.
Magenta · F
Hmm, wow wonder who. Not that surprising, many people are deceptive in different ways on-line.
But if it were a female I'd have one or two in mind.
Wow 😮. Extraordinary the lengths some will go through .
@Iknowyourouttheresomewhere all for power and to satisfy the fetish. They usually targeted younger women with “issues” to befriend.
@Jelly The place is full of them and often they’ll pose as the opposite sex also 🤦‍♂️
That’s why we should never give out to much personal information about ourselves etc. Be vigilante and practice self protectionism .
We can still be very real 🙌
luckranger71 · 51-55, M
I'm 99% sure I know who this is, and your description is spot on.
Magenta · F
@luckranger71 I'm racking my brain trying to recall old members of who it could be.
@Magenta really not that old, just a couple of years back. I’d say but I am worried they’re still here anonymously and they know how to contact me etc.
Blondily · F
Not surprised. There are many deceptive people online.
KeysToMyBeemer · 36-40, M

What are y'all looking at me for... It wasn't me ....
Mudkip · 31-35, M
That's why I never really pay attention to those details on here. Most people lie anyway lol, idk why they gotta lie instead of just having a good time on here
AnonymousJSS · 22-25, F
Sounds dangerous
All talk unless you can name !

Surely, SLANDER ( the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation )

YOU now have a right to protect other users.
Fluffybull · F
So? They've gone from here but they're still living in your head 🤣😂🤣😂🙄
DDonde · 31-35, M
No idea who that is, but that is scary.
@DDonde it is! I fell for the act totally
SkeetSkeet · 100+, F
They have a fetish of being murdered?
@SkeetSkeet they do. Ish. It’s a little more nuanced and sexualised but that’s the gist of it.
@SkeetSkeet You know who it is !
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I think I know who it is although I can’t think of what his username was.

He did not like me though lol. I won’t be revealing the person however.
@iamonfire696 no I’m not either, not to be annoying or mysterious but because mostly I’m quite worried they’re still on here anonymously.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@Jelly yes he might be still on here. Be careful

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