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I Will Face The Depths Of Your Depression With You

Perhaps it is the adrenalin of feeling pain after being numb for so long so in the last moment as they exhale their last breath is to feel life, before they cease to exist.

A friend of mine asked me this question the other day;
-"I wonder how he / she would feel If I killed myself"-

This was my reply;
-"Really? How about I tell you how they would feel....they would love it, they would be over the moon with joy. They would NOT be devastated with sadness or have thoughts of - 'if only I treated you better"- as YOU wouldn't fuc*ing KNOW! You wouldn't FEEL that selfish satisfaction to see their reaction! YOU WONT BE HERE because you chose to end your life to make another person feel as if they are responsible!!! That question you just asked is the most stupidest & selfish fuc**ing thing I have ever heard"

I apologised to my friend, who surprised me, by apologising to me. I didnt say that to make my friend feel like crap, it was an awareness on why people choose to end their life. There are so many 'reasons' which only and ONLY the person who committed the act knows why. But of course society puts a perception on the word and one that really pisses me off is out of selfishness because they want to make another person feel bad - THAT IS BULLSHIT.

Rage disappears and after that, comes guilt, self-hate, emptines which is the danger that happens before the 'Nothing' - this is what I call - The dark night of the soul. A beginning to the death of an illusion we created. They feel numb, numb to life and humanity. So when everything around them is nothing but blackness, it's an awakening, they wake up with the realisation that they don't fit in this society, they are living in a world full of empty people.They isolate themselves from toxic relationships however, the presence still lingers and this is what haunts them.
So what becomes of the broken hearted?
- Love. Unconditional Love. Knowing they are not what others called them, knowing that they are worthy, but it is struggling to believe in all that they are when everything they are trying to achieve is being challenged and that the world is only a delusional realm of a society run by a tranquil species of humanity programmed as bots.
The sadness is unbearable, they didn't ask to be born. So why can't they choose to take their life?
Why would do want to continue to live in a world governed by LAW? To have restrictions in luxury of simply 'Living' to abide by rules with consequences.
All of it is an illusion, life, love, lonliness etc
Because on the otherside, there are no disguises.
Because on the otherside, there is no more tomorrow.
Because on the otherside, hope is not contradicting.
Because on the otherside, there isn't any worrying.
Some say that there is no peace on the otherside but I disagree.
Because on the otherside, there are no more tears.

But again, we are all here to learn. We are all here to observe. To live to learn to feel pain to feel love to be loved to feel whole. Because that is what we came here to do. Ultimately, we are the master creator of our own destiny. We drown in the sea of our emotions and we swim in our ocean of tears until we are on the other side waking up on the other side of the sun.
We were born to Love because we ARE Love.
Then we can go home up there where we truly belong and served our purpose so that we don't have to return in reincarnation to live another karmic lesson in lifetimes after lifetime.
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Tatsumi · 31-35, M
Thats a very specific categorization of those who commit suicide.
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
@Trainedheart: I don't think it's a taboo in the West. Everyone and their mother has "Depression." Well. I dunno about Aulstralia, but it's not in the U.S.
It's frowned upon here. It's publicised on media falsely advertising that there is help. Except when those who actually try to reach out, gets prescribed antidepressants or is advised to try another number.
If everyone says they have depression... it's either noted as "Attention Seekers" or it's ignored. If that makes sense, depends what kind of 'Depression' as it comes in many forms.
I am sorry if my story insulted you. It's not meant to be offensive.
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
@Trainedheart: Ahh. I see. Naa. No insult taken. Was just an observation.

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