I've dealt with this a lot. A lot of people seem to look you by. It's hard and difficult, but keep up and everything will get better with time.
Maskabuchi · 22-25, F
I know the feeling :/
If you want we can talk about it, I will be the listening ear
If you want we can talk about it, I will be the listening ear
lostinlife · 22-25, M
ok but i am online every day at 7:00 at night And 8 or 9 at night
ShatteredHeart · 22-25, T
Would you like to talk about it?
lostinlife · 22-25, M
if you would it would be fine
lostinlife · 22-25, M
i really would not mind
ShatteredHeart · 22-25, T
Okay 😸