I am so 100% ready for death to take me. I can't kill myself. I'm too scared. So if a truck wants to hit me, or a murder wants to stab me, or if my heart just wants to stop for no reason at all, please feel free.
don't say stuff like that ): you're young and have your whole life ahead of you, i've dealt with depression for near on 5 years and believe me i know how you feel but you also need to believe that things WILL get easier and better! you have to stay positive, believe in hope, in life! you will wake up one day and be happy, it just takes time! ): if you need someone to talk too, you can talk to me, anytime! x
I've felt the same way all month long. My birthday was actually 3 days ago and I didn't even care to celebrate. All I could do was sit in bed all day and sob.