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I Am Depressed

Was feeling kinda stress and nervous but tried to go to school anyway. Wet myself in the car and cried. Mom took me back home. Tired of being so crazy.
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puppylove · M
Dennis U will be fine.
Talk to ur therapist about whatever might be stressing U

It all will get better, you'll see 😉
Dennis · 18-21, M
Thanks! About to leave for school. Wearing a goodnight so im less affriad of an acident and school gave me a special pass that lets me leave to go to the bathroom or nurse whenever i need to without having to get permission.
TheEmeraldMaster · 26-30, M
Hang in there, you just need to feel conformable is all. If you push yourself when you don't, then you aren't going to be happy.
Dennis · 18-21, M
Thanks! Felling better now after some more sleep and quiet time. Just need to get this stuff under control. Dont want to have freak outs or accidents at school
TheEmeraldMaster · 26-30, M
Well I for one will be cheering you on. I really hope you do get threw all this and feel free to talk to me anytime you need support.

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