BearDownChicago · 41-45, M
Don't think about giving up. Think about all the people out there that would miss you. Their lives forever changed because you weren't there. I'm to say that it will change overnight cause I've been through it and it doesn't. But it will get better. It can only go up from here
Well don't sweet for real I know that feeling all to well and from what I know of you from our chats your an awesome person with a lot to give this world your story is just beginning all ya have to do is stay strong and believe that your destiny whatever that turns out to be is ahead of you and I hopefully will still be around to find out just what that is
Dalegend27 · M
Eat a snickers. You're not you when you're hungry.
firefall · 61-69, M
Are you getting any help with the struggle? I know it feels tough, and insuperable sometimes, but you can get past it, with the right help.

what do you plan to do when you give up?
Find a support group.
lostinlife · 22-25, M
no giving up as my best friend seid before suicide he told me that giving up will only torture those who care for you