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My Ex-best friend...... :(

My ex-best friend (we are going to call her E) (i was a girl at the time) made me go trough a realy bad time, once, i was occupied by scool stuff (i don't remember what it was) and E walks to me and says: "hey! Xian! There is a boy who loves you! (his name is M) do you want to date him?" Im clearly working consentrated on my work i say: "maby, no, idk two seconds im busy" the next second she goes and tells evry one that i like the guy, it went on two whole monts and then she started saying i wanted to have s*x with him...why idk! And evry time she would say that i loved him or that i wanyed to f**k him lisen, EVRY TIME no exeption i would tell her to stop saying that, i dont like M, i told you many times, evry time she would say: "oh, sorry i didint know, you said maby so i tough you liked him, be more precise"........????? For two monts i kept telling her the same crap that i dont like him and you say that?!why?

Another time, i told her my crush (i tought that i could trust my seven years long best friend and that the last time was a missunderstanding, but no....) (Her name: A) (i still have the crush) A is my other best friend (we have been best friend for 5 years) i started to fall in love with her (it sucks to fall in love with your best friend!!!) At the start i acsidentaly sayed that i had a crush i a conversation ( im bad at keeping my own secrets, not other peoples secret only mine for a weird) E was mad that i didint want to say it, she told me that she teled me a love secret (it wasent a secret, she even told me that it wasent one,and it was like "omg, i said hi to a guy today") i felt guilty so i said that my crush is A.....the moment i tell her she screams " OMG! YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON A!!!!" And A wasent that far away, she runs to HER friends (not mine, i am preaty distenced with her friends, we arent ennemys or friends, we just know our names) and instently tells them,who my crush i just told you yo not say it to any one.....anyways, i walk to E ,im kinda mad and very sad (i dont get easly angry) so i tell her: "why did you tell them? I told you to not say it to no one.....why?" E says: "i tought i could tell my friends"(i forgot to say that A was with her friends and that E hates A...and E told A anyways that i loved her?) this point im just sad, i spended weeks of anxity thinking about how i could tell A that i love her.....and you do that...not fun.... But it not finish yet! Yaaaaaay :( so after a day, she comes to me and says "you should give A a love card!" I say no (because i of yesterday and i just dont want to) E says "i could do a card for you!" Me: "please no" she says the pause she goes and gives a cringe love card saying that i writed it for you to already sad! Why make me even more! ....i say to A and E that i didint want to write a card and that it was E that wanted...E says: " Xian wanted me to give you this letter" ?????? :( why........ why do say not true stuff :( the after noon, A tells me that she loves me but only as a friend and no more, i lie to her that i only wanted to stay friends too becaus i didint want it to become akward betwen us (technicly, i did not lie, because i tought it was to early for couples) after that day E was like saying bad stuff in A's back infront of me....

A thing E always did that i hated was that she grabed my a*s all the time, i kept telling her that i hated that and it made me feel unconfortable and evry time she just says ok i'll stop, she never did :( once i was crying because of that and she didint even care a bit, E would also invade my personal space, i hated that, and i told her many times. An other thing that E did was skwish my arms and face, i told her that it hurted and i didint like that but she continued anyways....i stayed around her because i couldent let go, she was the friend that was here the longest, 7 years of being friends just trowed away, i stayed 5 month+ and then i left, it was hard for me because at the time i used to get atached to people super easly, but leting go was hard, now i have trust issues and it realy not fun, i have a hard time trusting people now, that they will be toxic, that they would hurt me mentaly like E did, E did other stuff, a lot of stuff, but i hope it dosent hapent again....i was already having familly issues and when she was being mean to me for no reson, it did not help me at all, ingact i had depression not too long after,somethimes i would see her fight with A or me, it bringed bad memories (she was fighting verbaly) i would try and leave the fight because i was sad and those fights where a lot to take for me, the majority of them where about me, A and E would fight over friend stuff with me inpliqued, E always started the figth, at least we are not in the same scool anymore and i conpleatly stoped talking to here, blocking her in evry contacts with here that i had, she is out of my life and i am greatfull, but im still scared because E lives in the street next to mine , i hope we dont see eachother soon or ever, and i hope i'll stop having memories of her (evry memorie of E that i have now are bad) i just needed to vent, but im ok

Have a good day and i hope you guys are doing well! Bye

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