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does anyone else just not care for valentines day?

I'm single, and so I've never really done anything for it.

also, I don't think it's that.. well, special. shouldn't people be nice to their partner every day of the year?

why make a day for it

I mean if you celebrate it and enjoy it, fair enough I suppose

but I just don't get it myself. don't see the appeal, and not sure I would even if I had someone honestly
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WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
I’m not that into it… never have been

I did make it special for my kids… my daughter is in kindergarten and was very excited for today, and she had a great day. Both my kids got treats and an artificial rose that lights up

I think the concept of it is lovely, but it’s ultra commercialized (like every other holiday now I guess), but also it tends to build expectation in people, and also make people feel they should go spend money in some type of fashion. If you love someone you should make sure they know it every day, not just February 14th while simultaneously cramming it down everyone else’s throats. I’ve seen posts here and heard from others just how lonely they feel today
MrNightSky · 46-50, M
Sadly, for me, its just a brutal reminder of how broken my marriage is. I dont even know what to write in this card i bought her.
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
@MrNightSky so don’t…. Maybe Show her you care (if you still do)?

Don’t force yourself to write something in some card
I like having a day to do something extra special in... though, at the moment, I hate it because it's just another day of the year since soon to be ex says "Valentine's Day is for dating couples and not married couples".

I don't even get told "Happy Valentine's Day" anymore...
Quetzalcoatlus · 46-50, M
We give each other a little something every year. Now that we have kids, we make crafts and have a valentines dinner for the family.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
I hadn't cared even when I was in a relationship. It's a weird thing to celebrate. All about it is weird and tastelessly flashy tbh. I always say it's only good for commercial purposes when you work in a marketing department and you need to do some thematic newsletter.

Or once I had a PC game called Contraptions where you had various items you built...well..contraptions with and it was responsive to the date so whenever it was Valentine's day, there was added a heart-shaped balloon. I liked that kind of creativity, it was fun.
I dont care much about any holiday
@ExperienceDLT I don't, either. For me, they really just get in the way.
@PhoenixPhail mostly just big money rackets anyway
@ExperienceDLT The markup on roses on Valentine's Day, is 450%.
I enjoy making it a fun day
I feel very much the same about it. I'm also single.
I've thought the same about Christmas - a holiday of giving.
Why not be in the spirit of giving throughout the year, not just on special occasions?
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@PhoenixPhail I've always seen Christmas as a holiday of winter decorations, tree, good food, sweets and colorful lights. 😆 Presents were there on birthdays too so they didn't define Christmas for me. 😅
Never bothered with it. See it as a waste of time
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
Valentines Day is a gimmick.
They be in the love zone .
It’s amazing they carry on in the love zone on Valentines Day . Why don’t they carry on that way any other day
darkmere1983 · 46-50, M
a meaningless day to me, i have never had a valentine gift or card in my entire life.
chuck7882 · 61-69, M
I always thought it was silly. If you love someone, you don't need a special day for it.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
I'm not particularly a fan
Steve42 · 56-60, M
You mean singles discrimination day? You are not alone in being alone and not giving a chit.

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