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I have noticed many people here, suffer from PTSD, depression, and anxiety. See if this helps you, like it has me.

All the things listed in my title, are nothing new. These are things that we will probably deal with all our lives. That's just the way life is and we need to address it and learn what to do to gift ourselves a better quality of life, that we deserve. As long as there is Satan and sin in this world, these are things we are going to have to deal with. I love self-help books and I've used them all my life, especially through my 34 years of abuse from my deceased husband (2005). However, I'm careful about who the author is, that wrote them.

I must say, please..... not even one of us, need to be ashamed or be made to feel ashamed, of all these things we have been through. Quite the contrary. It takes a brave person to feel comfortable enough to share the trauma they have been through. There's not one thing shameful, about it! And those who think there is, need to graduate to modern times. It's sad when people think they have to hide from other people because of things that have gone through. That's just so unfair, and that's why we are here for each other. The ones who know how to face reality and recognize that we live in a troublesome world where we need each other and that's what we're here for and that's the way things are solved, are the brave ones. The ones with courage and guts, to know they don't have to hide under a bush, for fear they will be criticized or made fun of. I applaud you!!... and I'm so proud of you! This stigmatism on mental health has to go! It's the ones who criticize, make fun or laugh, who are the mentally ill ones. Stupid bullies, at that, and insecure. I can see we have come a long way, but I can also see we need some improvement, but thank God we're getting there!

I know of a world renowned psychologist, who has helped hundreds get their lives back in order, from his videos, and what I love about this, is you get a pure experts advice, for free!!! If anybody can straighten out the mind, it is this guy, when we're confused or need help. I'm not saying he comes first or before the Word of God, because that is the wisest book in the world, in Proverbs especially, but I use them, sometimes IN ADDITION to the Word, to improve myself. He has the best self-help videos, you can take your time with, listen to anytime you want, in your own home. I have watched them, so I'm a big fan of self-help books or videos. Again, nothing can take the place of God's Word, which tells us Satan is the author of confusion, so I must deal with him spiritually, as well. However, God did also give us good doctors to help along.

I've included a video of Noah, so you can see for yourself, and he has a whole bunch of free videos for different psychological challenges. This guy knows how to untangle those irritating things that come into our mind and distract and hurt us. His name is Noah Elkrief. He may not seem like much at first, but boy does he knows his stuff! Also, do you try TMS therapy? It's something you can learn to do in your own home or from a video. If you've never heard of Noah, here is your first video. ❤️ And don't forget, we also have forums for each one of those, and more, here at SW.

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ethereal · F
Thank you for sharing this, your words and the video! I think this is exactly what I needed to hear today. Especially what he says in the video.

I’ve been carrying guilt and shame for so long. Sometimes I’m doing better and it doesn’t seem to be like a weight, but at other times, I feel too depressed and life seems to be to vague. I always try to let go, I know its a phase that would pass, but knowing doesn’t seem to work when going through it.

Thank you for sharing this video. I’ll be watching other of his videos too.
Rilyn · 31-35, F
PTSD and anxiety. Depression seems to be controlled enough that I get out of bed. Thanks for the post 🌹
Rilyn · 31-35, F
@LadyGrace Thank you 🌹 Yeah I make it a point to crawl out of bed and dress up. Sometimes struggling isn't so obvious on a person. Until they admit it that is.
Stay safe. 🍁🙏
LadyGrace · 70-79
@Rilyn That is so true. I've had to do the same. I'm really proud of you for trying so hard. 🌷
LadyGrace · 70-79
@Rilyn Sublingual B12 in the cherry flavor from Walmart, does wonders!! Really lifts that depression from you, gives you more energy, and makes you feel happy again. Just don't take it after 3:00 p.m. I would say. It may keep you awake, but you can take these if you start feeling down. There are times when I took three and let it melt under my tongue. You don't chew these. They are delicious.

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