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firefall · 61-69, M
I dont believe that's the case - it seems more plausible to me that the doctor is using this to try and scare your cousin
kimtin33 · 26-30, F
If I caught it correctly, the doctor was using it t downplay her pain and not give her anything for it.
firefall · 61-69, M
@kimtin33: thats a really shitty doctor, then - if he was true, it should be more of a reason to give her pain relief: just because there's an (alleged) reason why her tolerance is lowered is no reason to deny her relief from it, unless he's a moralising asshole that wants to punish her
I dunno that there's any correlation, but I cut on and off for 8 years and my pain tolerance is absolutely terrible.
Goralski · 56-60, M