Smiley95 · 26-30, F
I had a group a friends but 2 stopped talking to me idk why. I lost 1 friendship recently because she betrayed me. And last week me and my mom got into an argument about her religion and my view of it and she disapproved. Then my marriage is basically at its end. So I literally feel like somehow I’m failing in life. Because I can’t keep a single relationship with anyone. And I mean, those whom were closer to me. It’s that loneliness that I’m going through. I’m here speaking to random and very nice people . I thank you all.
Steve42 · 56-60, M
I used to feel the same and then i realized I'm never really alone. I have God as I understand him with me every second of my life.
in10RjFox · M
Sad to hear how world has come to it's worst State where we are deprived of the community that once took care of us. We were never a burden to ourselves, but now .. we are now our own worry and burden.
Just get out and make friends, start caring for as many and get involved.
Just get out and make friends, start caring for as many and get involved.
MrDani · 36-40, M
Me too, may we chat?
there there.
theworldofGia · 31-35, F
Hugs, girl.

How come you didn't make friends all though life?
You need an around you and a big cwtch.
I hope you're OK, do you have friends or family you can speak to about how you feel?
I hope you're OK, do you have friends or family you can speak to about how you feel?
KainAbel1 · 46-50, M
Me too. Only difference is. In my case. Nobody cares. I think if shit doesn't improve. I may pull the plug at some point