firefall · 61-69, M
Well, they all do have an agenda, although CNN's agenda is pretty incoherent and self-contradictory. THat said, I'd call MSNBC roughly 60% reliable, 40% slanted or propaganda; Fox is roughly 90% slanted or propaganda and 10% reliable, and CNN is 30% rightwing propaganda, 20% leftwing propaganda, 30% rank hysteria and 20% complete blathering nonsense. If I can't get BBC, CNN/International, or another foreign service, I'll prefer MSNBC, but put up with Fox if that's what's on offer: but I'd rather stick toothpicks in my ears than bother with (American) CNN.
ironsides · 22-25, M
I'd say MSNBC is also 90% skewed
Ynotisay · M
CNN Intl. has been nailing it lately. And it's a GREAT way to identify the differences between reporting here and internationally.
PhoenixPhail · M
Anything mainstream media is OWNED by the corporate conglomerate and the mindset behind it. It keeps us controlled by presenting not just WHAT we see, but HOW we see. Mainstream news, and the media in general, is consciously constructed, filtered and presented to us in a way which keeps us susceptible and vulnerable to whatever authority needs for us to know. We're nothing but cattle to them, kept in the dark about the truths of how this world is operated and what's really going on. The corporate entity, masquerading as our government, strives to keep us as mindless (and consuming) as possible. A bumper sticker I saw: CRITICAL THINKING; The OTHER National Deficit
ravenwind43 · 51-55, F
I think they all have an agenda. The media (journalists) used to report news. Now they report opinions as facts. There is no neutrality. they all cave to popular opinion and ratings.
Ynotisay · M
Some media does that.
Unfortunately, the network with the most hard news and vetting machinations, Al Jazeera English, was pulled recently. Not enough eyes. Go figure.
Unfortunately, the network with the most hard news and vetting machinations, Al Jazeera English, was pulled recently. Not enough eyes. Go figure.
they all have an agenda. msnbc isnt even news, it 's bad comedy
BemyValentine · F
Hahaha....followed by CNN...mind
newstu · M
there was a time the networks reported the news. Now they try to make it
firefall · 61-69, M
once news got rolled into the entertainment division, truth stopped being honoured, and reporting essentially got destroyed.
newstu · M
@firefall:they really aren't reporters. They just play them on tv
firefall · 61-69, M
@newstu: nowadays, yes, pretty much
Hikingguy · 56-60, M
They all want blood. Blood = ratings. Not really but you know what mean. Riots and calls of racism gets people going and get'a ratings.
Yes they have an agenda. To make the most money.
Yes they have an agenda. To make the most money.
Justpeaceandlove · 61-69, F
And power over the people ... They think.
Hikingguy · 56-60, M
@Justpeaceandlove: they all want sheep.
Justpeaceandlove · 61-69, F
@Hikingguy: and they all think they have a right to have them. ..
cloudyinpitsburgh · 51-55, M
Anything that accepts money for it's own survival is going to slant it, sensationalize it, hype it. It's amazing how we have come so far in our ability to obtain information, but have made it so hard to decipher what's real and hype.
You know the hard thing to accept, it's usually the far out there ports of information that have it correct, but we dismiss because they're so far removed.
You know the hard thing to accept, it's usually the far out there ports of information that have it correct, but we dismiss because they're so far removed.
I don't trust any of them now. I can't watch the news anymore because of all the negativity they show. Hey could do stories on people who do good and other things but I guess terror and violence sells better.
polysexminoh · 56-60, M
All will have some bias, since there exists editors and producers.
For me, I very few major news outlets will devote more than 1-2 minutes on a topic to hold an audience. The BBC and NPR are a couple exceptions.
I try to read/listen/watch for a number of them, partly for a broader range of information and stories.
For me, I very few major news outlets will devote more than 1-2 minutes on a topic to hold an audience. The BBC and NPR are a couple exceptions.
I try to read/listen/watch for a number of them, partly for a broader range of information and stories.
Ynotisay · M
Their agenda is similar. More eyes means more advertising dollars.
Of the three I'd say that MSNBC has the most insightful content, FOX is the most agenda-driven and CNN looks to create false equivalencies on most issues in a quest to reach the widest demographic.
Of the three I'd say that MSNBC has the most insightful content, FOX is the most agenda-driven and CNN looks to create false equivalencies on most issues in a quest to reach the widest demographic.
ironsides · 22-25, M
I'd say they're all skewed, CNN and MSNBC being very liberal and Fox being conservative though if you had to 100% pick from one of the three I'd pick Fox. But try to stay away from MSM national or international

Stick with PBS news, it may be boring but at least they just tell you the news.
Ynotisay · M
Good call. PBS is pretty strong.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
i look for the science articles.
i look for the science articles.
goliathtree · 56-60, M
There are only two channels on TV. On and Off. Everything On is the same shit.
Itsmrsockmonkey · M
I stopped listening to most of the news,to me it's too liberal
BemyValentine · F your own research.
Itsmrsockmonkey · M
loveswetnmessy · M
CBSN, because nobody cares about cbs anymore
Justpeaceandlove · 61-69, F
Every one on the planet has an agenda of some sort. Depending on how much useless information is stored in your brain. My 2 cents. :)
They all lie.
BemyValentine · F
None of the above...they are the fake news. Corporate bought media to misinform the masses and keep us dumb.If you don't fact check - you're screwed.
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BemyValentine · F
@CereBellum: I just take a few top stories of interest and research and cross check them... if facts check out...I'm fine with it. I do not depend on any one particular news source. We've been lied and misinformed enough.
So, you believe this to be the case for as long as Walter Cronkite had been around?
Ynotisay · M
I don't think you understand what "fake news" is. You should. It's the best way to avoid it.
caesar7 · 61-69, M
....I just watch Megan...grrrrrr