I miss the bad times [I Feel Depressed]
Years ago I was in a dark place. The deepest hole I’ve been in so far in life. I’m happy to say I’m doing so much better mentally but occasionally, or rarely I should say, I miss those bad times. I don’t know why. At least I don’t think I do. I can’t explain it or I just don’t know how. I mean, when I was depressed and truly felt alone, there was something very mildly confronting about it in a way I couldn’t feel or understand until after the fact. It felt like there was no one else but me and a part of me felt at peace. But now when I get down and depressed, I feel like I don’t even care anymore. There’s just some facade of myself trying to confront me. Like it’s not even me. I know I’m happier now and I feel very odd about saying this, that I get some sense of nostalgia for the worst time in my life, but I do. Very little but it’s there at times. I don’t understand it and I don’t want to ever be there again but to feel that peace of mind in a chaotic world is something I’ll remember.