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I wish I could talk and feel better [I Am Depressed]

Do you know that feeling when you feel down and can't even talk to somebody because you know in advance that talking won't help because you know you are the only one who can solve your problems?
novembermoon · 51-55
Yes. I know that feeling. It is quite paralysing. 'Talking doesn't help because you know you are the only one who can solve your problems' - I think you have a great deal of awareness in your thinking. This intelligence sometimes cuts both ways. You know better than most what are the important things in life and yet the problems are there and they sometimes look insurmountable. Sometimes these are not even 'problems' but a feeling of 'what's the point?' Don't know if I make sense but I do hope you'd feel better soon. Take courage. Every day needs to be overcome.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@novembermoon Thank you very much.
I know that many would object to the statement that talking won't help, that there are professionals who are paid to listen to you and trained to be able to help you. Maybe they are right. Maybe if you come across a really good psychologist he or she would be able to identify your problem and help you solve it. But what are the chances you will meet such person? How can you discern who you can trust at all? I believe getting things off one's chest can help but you have to talk to someone who you trust completely. And with things that burden me most, I don't trust anybody.

More than what's the point I ask myself if what I think I want is really the right thing for me and what is actually worth to fight for and put my energy in.
*hugs .... you hang in there 🤗

I’m sorry you’re feeling this way, honestly I know this feeling all to well and it does pass.

I know sometimes people mean well when they say, chin up or plenty off worse but each persons pain is felt and your pain matters it always will, just please remember you’re not alone.

Keep strong ♥️
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@SW-User Thank you. You're very kind. 🤗
It usually passes. I just wish I reacted differently when I see my flaws. I wish it would spur me to correct what is wrong and I'd immediately start working on myself. But I just crumble down into a weak hypersensitive mess wanting to crawl into a hole instead.
SolGryn · 31-35, M
Yep. Pretty much...
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@SolGryn Thank you for the gift. 💛
SolGryn · 31-35, M
@CrazyMusicLover just try to keep your head up okay?

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