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I Battle Depression and Anxiety

I almost start cutting myself again today.... 😞
don't want to start cutting don't want anyone to see scars 😞
Do not cut!
It leaves more emotional scars than real ones.
It will only remind you of bad memories.
My sister has cut, bruised and nearly killed herself from drug overdose. Every time I see those scars I need to leave the room to cry.

I love her so dearly and comfort her when I can, but she does mot think I love her and pushes me away.

It hurts the people who love you, even if you think they dont, and it hurts you. Please dont
@CherryFlower: dont you dare say that!
There are people who love you. It must sound like bullsh*t coming from a stranger from the internet but they do love you! I know you dont feel that way, but you might be pushing them away, thinking that their love is annoying or embarassing.

(Nothing was intended to be mean in my comment )
Hoppee · F
@Chrintelle: tell me one person who loves me
your overprotective mother that you think is annoying
Your father that looks so cross at you because he wants to guide you
That person who you dont even notice that has a secret crush on you
Any of your old teachers that favours you over the rest of the children
Your current or old friends
Charlotte · 70-79, F
I don't know why someone would actually encourage you to cut yourself. That person is just sick. I'm so sorry for your pain. I'm certain you know that cutting yourself won't solve the problem. You've got to address the real problem so you'll feel better, not hurt yourself, please.
Charlotte · 70-79, F
This will never go away until you get help. You must.
Hoppee · F
@Grace2016: Who said it will never go away? I know one easy way that solves everything but I'm scared to do it cause what if it didn't go like I planned.
Charlotte · 70-79, F
Leaving you a note.
Then don't cut. As simple as that. Can you?🤓
If you are able to control the urge to cut, that's empowering.🤓
Hoppee · F
@missingmoments: If I don't cut then I bruise myself
Charlotte · 70-79, F
@CherryFlower: please don't. 😢
Pudgelover · 22-25, M
Your willpower is stronger than the blade. I believe in you
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KittyKat · 26-30, F
that's just stupid..... Y would u cut yourself and if u still want to cut urself without anyone seeing marks DM me I have a way
Charlotte · 70-79, F
That type reasoning is seriously flawed and unnatural. I don't know if you're just wanting attention or what, but if you think that's funny, people need to stay away from you...seriously. That's the wrong way to go about it.
Hoppee · F
@KittyLover: really? people like me usually dies in the end?
KittyKat · 26-30, F
yes so go ahead and die no one will miss you cause you said that everyone hates you. 🙄
icyreb · M
are you seeking help? many times we can't do things alone. we need a support system...
icyreb · M
just don't do it alone..
Hoppee · F
@skymike: I will try not to. but Y not alone? I've been handling it alone for like 8 years
icyreb · M
living with it is not handling it..but, it is what it is,
TamZy · 22-25, M
Charlotte · 70-79, F
You're a good man to take empathy.
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Hoppee · F
@IlDuce: still scared though... cause mommy likes to randomly come in when I'm taking a shower.
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Hoppee · F
@IlDuce: want to but can't they're mean

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