its more me knowing and feeling like a burden, tonight me and my partner had an agrumebt because I built the courage to tell him I didn’t think it was fair that whenever my family invites him around he always has a massive lunch before we have dinner and then days after my family worked hard to cook the meal “ oh I’m not hungry I had kfc for lunch” and since that’s happened he’s barely spoke to me told me I’m imagining things and that I’m a liar...
@RememberMe hes a jerk. If he cant respect your family and cant respect you, calling you a liar when he knows exactly that your right, dump his sorry ass. Its not you not being good enough, its him being a manipulative Jack ass.
You already ARE good enough, and more. I'm sorry someone treated you in a way that left you believing you aren't. I'm looking forward to talking with you more about this. Okay?