Nomoretomorrow · 46-50, M
It's the pits it really is. Hope you find something soon. Depending where you live there are advisors at the job center and local library that can help you put applications and CV's etc together and go through them for you. When I needed to get a job ASAP I got work as a care worker in an assisted living residence. Not always the best job going nor the best paid but it's a possibility (though I'd look it through first to make sure it's something you can do till you can find something better). Voluntary work can give you skills and experience as well as open doors for you so that might be an idea.
PoetryNEmotion · F
Looking for a job is the worse thing to have to do! As long as you are trying...bravo! Think of an interview as a practice for selling your abilities. The economy sucks and has for quite some time. Never give up.
AliceAlice19 · 26-30, F
It’s been months and I’m feeling like a failure. I’m trying really hard to not lose confidence and stay positive. @PoetryNEmotion
PoetryNEmotion · F
@AliceAlice19 Girl, I hear you. I was without a job for over a year. I got to feeling so hopeless. Helpless too. Then I got hired at a bakery. Worked my ass off. Was so relieved to go back to nursing. Sure made me appreciate the pay I earned from years of experience. Hang in there. You will find a decent job. The economy has been poor for over 7 years now.