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I Suffer From Depression Anxiety Disorder

I have been having a really hard time with my anxiety lately, more than normal. I cant even leave the house without my husband . I went to pick my son up at work the other day . I was in my car with my son's dog . I go to his work all the time . There is cops there eating and its in a safe area . But yet I had a full blown anxiety attach . My chest started to feel heavy , I started crying , I couldn't breath . By the time my son go to the car I was a complete mess. Thankfully he is 18 and knows about my anxiety . He gave me some water and told me he will drive home . I went to my Dr. who changed my meds. However Walgreen is taking their sweet time to fill them . So I sit and suffer . I am ok when my husband is with me tho so there is that .
I feel this way very often too..I have C-PTSD and this is all part of it for me..My Husband and kids all know and do what they can to help me too..I am sorry you suffer this way and I hope you get your new meds soon and that they work..馃
@INEEDHIM79 It stands for complex and it is somewhat different than PTSD..
INEEDHIM7941-45, F
@SW-User O ok thanks you .
@INEEDHIM79 You're very welcome..馃檪

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