WearOutKyd · 36-40, M
What surprises me is that you are able to see outside of your negative thoughts. A lot of people aren't able to do that. I think as long as you hold on to your sanity, so to speak, you will always be able to come back.
MarkoBriarbone · 31-35, M
Indeed, it is something easily dismissed by a lot of people. To feel like you are decaying in your own body or feeling unhinged is the worst! All I can say is, what worked for me, is talking it out to certain people who were like a source of light. People who realized that I would need to unload frequently. It is an everyday fight. One step at a time. And don't be ashamed to talk about it if you have people you can trust.
ChiRho · 31-35, M
@MarkoBriarbone Thank you for the advice my friend.
MarkoBriarbone · 31-35, M
@ChiRho anytime, message me if ever in need.
kaisamar · 26-30, F
Exactly, on the outside it's so easy to put a face on for everyone one to see when deep down you're hurting inside. You're mind wanders off in this hole that's constantly neverending. That's the saddest part that I've noticed with myself is that not many people understand unless one has experienced it. We should look after one another and always check up on a friend how they are doing...
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
You can break the cycle you just have to fight it and god will help you if you allow him to
ChiRho · 31-35, M
@HannibalMontanimal I'm trying man, sometimes i'm so close to throwing in the towel though. Sucks.
WarmAtNight · M
I understand completely
WarmAtNight · M
Hugs big bro
ChiRho · 31-35, M
@WarmAtNight Thanks brother.