A few months ago, I lost someone who I loved a lot (and who I was trying to get over, as we'd just broken up) and I've been in a pit ever since. I started cutting myself soon after, but I got a bit better and stopped. Now, however, everything seems to be catching up to me and sucking me down into this pit that I can't seem to pull myself out of it, and I've started cutting myself again... the thing is, though, I don't know if this is depression or not. You see, I feel like I'm being stupid and that so many more people in this world have so many more valid reasons to be sad and cutting and depressed, and I feel as if, I don't know, as if I'm not worthy of these feelings and actions? I feel like I'm being a stupid, scared, self-obsessed teenager. Does anyone have any advice for me? I feel like I can't speak to anyone around me, as all my friends' and family members' lives are "perfect", and no one seems to be sad. I feel like a bird trying to fly around in the depths of the sea, unaware that it is drowning.