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I Battle Depression

Hi me again back on here not know what to do unable to sleep again i don't know why i even try anymore i am honestly dead inside all i feel is sadness i can't remember when i truly felt happy if there was even a time when i did i cant do this much long i have been trying to change things the last few years but not works i just end up back here no matter what i do i think i am reaching my limit again but this time is different last time was a few years ago i had nobody was all alone no real friends just random people i would game with online i was going to end it then have 1 last game online just to see if i meet someone who was different to the people i have met before someone who cared who genuinely cared about others back then i lost all hope in people i couldn't take it like now i just wanted it to end that was until met a friend in that game we chatted had a few more games after that he was in a bad place as well for his own reasons so we started talking not banter a real conversation and became best friends after i helped him out with his situation but i still felt the way i do now i made plans to end it and he knew somehow he just came out with it when i was about to go offline i was shocked didn't know what to say for a few minutes there was this awkward silence just both of us saying nothing for what seemed like hours but was only a few minutes he told me what he thought then asked me if he was rigth i simply said yes he got so angry with me started shouting at me because i was going to leave without talking to him first i tried telling him that talking wouldn't help but he would't listen eventually i gave in and told him some of what was going on somethings i couldn't talk about that had happened and still can't to this day i have gone over so many possibilities of what my future would be tried studying, got a job made some friends in real life but none of it helped i am still here only difference is now i know there is people who care about me who would be hurt if i was so i sit here on my pc debating whether it would more selfish for me to end it or for the people i care about wanting me to stay when i have felt this way for so long i feel like i am standing on a wire always in the middle unable to decide what to do whether to stay because they want me to or to go because i want to why fight anymore if nothing is going to help i am so dam tired and just want it to end i haven't been able to cry for a long time i think i have passed my limit of what i can bare and have just run out of tears i feel so trapped here wanting to go but not being able to maybe i'm just using them as an excuse i don't really know maybe i'm to much of a coward to end it maybe i am just scum who uses the people who care about him as an excuse just so i don't have to decide i don't know what to do i just don't know

Thank you for taking the time to read my post
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shakenama · M
Back in 2012 I had plans like yours. I felt like I was going nowhere....and that nobody really cared. I wondered if anyone would really missed me anyways. The plan involved getting lost in The Great Dismal Swamp and a bottle of meds. I would be away from society.....away from everyone....away from the pain.

Only thing that kept me from following thru was my kids. I couldn't leave them with so much pain and heartache.

Today I have two amazing beautiful grandkids. I've got a cool job and I'm seeing a therapist.

Things change - The things we go thru....they're only temporary.
One day would be the darkest day where you want to end it's better....and you're smiling.

Please think about that.....hang in there.
SoFine · 46-50, F
You matter to you - the most in life.

You are your job in life - to have you be happy.

Try to get into movement as much as possible. When we move, we creat new brain connections.

On Youtube are many music healing meditations, to help calm your mind down. Try Vortex Sucess or Relax River

Remember people can ADD to us, they can't fill you up that is your job for you to do.

Inner peace is possible, it takes work by you....for you.
Everyone goes through that. You are not alone.
Tomorrow is not today and today doesn't have to turn into tomorrow. You are your own happiness
Lovelyelaine101 · 22-25, F
I'm here for you :( I'm depressed too everyday is a battle but we gotta keep on going don't let the depression let you downbeat in here's for you there's help

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