brunoandsammy · C
Seeing where the fire engine sound came from helped us because we always thought the fire fighters we met were on every fire engine we heard back then. Don't assume someone with autism can make the same links as norms, just because a friend is a policeman might not link to the noise overload. We used to instinctively cover each other's ears at loud noises or protect each other. If someone is yelling at us does not make it easy to cope with just cos we can see where the sound is coming from it is sensory overloading too much too quickly to process.
brunoandsammy · C
Mum gets how we think but even some people who understand our condition forget we are also children with almsot everything that can come with to. We really try hard now to behave better and avoid trouble for her sake, its easier when we are together because we act as backup for each other.
brunoandsammy · C
Mum says once people get how we think they can relate to us better. We get it, she does, our tutors do mostly, dad doesn’t and never will we reckon. We have good teaching at school, though we are not fans of going there, and with two of us writing and autocorrect to get us by, lol.
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brunoandsammy · C
It is good to know people here who have shared what we go through, professionals claim to understand but without the feelings and experiences that go with autism they cannot understand. Thats what we thinks.
puppylove · M
Some day I would love for you to explain this to me fully. I don't understand (like most people) and it would be so informative.
You seem like such an intelligent two, and super nice as well :-)
You seem like such an intelligent two, and super nice as well :-)
I have some friends with aspergers and I have worked with kids with autism, they are just differently wired than other people, not stupid. I even saw one kid maybe 6 years old, he didn't talk but he was really good with numbers. I think if you give these people a chance you will be surprised at the resources they can contribute with.
brunoandsammy · C
Thanks MissingNotes its a joint effort we think that maybe we are smarter together too.
brunoandsammy · C
And he’s blocked
We can think of another word for him other than cat , starts and ends the same. At least our disorder we were born with his is of his own making.
We can think of another word for him other than cat , starts and ends the same. At least our disorder we were born with his is of his own making.

I like to think that my son just has a different way of thinking, it's not wrong, just different.
I think you both are doing great! I would be so happy when my son is 13-15 if he's able to write as coherently as you, and express himself in this way.
I think you both are doing great! I would be so happy when my son is 13-15 if he's able to write as coherently as you, and express himself in this way.
DanteAsiir · M
I am learning more about you too, you never spoke of your Aspergers on EP, thanks for sharing guys.
DanteAsiir · M
When I talk to them on Skype they seem like regular guys to me but thats kind of face to face and we have spent time becoming friends and building trust.
noah74 · 46-50, M
brunoandsamy yall are cool I let people pick on me but yall have each other I think that os great yall make me happy
brunoandsammy · C
We are okay with fireworks to but get startled sometimes but not scared any more.
Yeah we want to chat to.
Yeah we want to chat to.
jimjim1969 · M
Just try and stay positive, People can be cruel. There is no perfect person.
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
I don't think of people with autism as stupid, not at all.. My nephew has autism and he is the smartest little boy I know. I haven't had much to do with other people with autism as far as I know but I surely don't think anything close to them being stupid
noah74 · 46-50, M
I was in special ed I rode the short bus to school and I got teased a lot it hurt and made me cry and I am a nice person people shouldn't be so mean
Colby272745 · 22-25, M
Bruno and Sammy science has shown that autistic people are actually smarter then the average person so us 3 are smarter then ur avarage human 😜😜👍👍👍
timjusttim123 · 22-25, M
I learn more and more thank you
timjusttim123 · 22-25, M
Seeing where the sound comes from helped ? There is little so I don't know if it would help them,they not scared of police siren I don't think because they have a friend that's a policeman . Can I ask what your mom did to help you learn better , they have trouble with that to .
brunoandsammy · C
@tim. Some loud noises especially people yelling or shouting at us, sirens would freak us when we were younger, but we visited a fire station and were shown all round it and the fire engines after that we were okay and didn't freak out anymore. We love football but find going to matches very intense, we also learned makaton signing when we were little because of sound overloading us. For us now touch is where we have the most issues,like clothes, sex, things we don't like to,touch, foods sometimes.
brunoandsammy · C
Thanks One.
oneofnine · 70-79, M
You are right. Sorry that you were made to cry.
brunoandsammy · C
@hopelovegod. We have been there, and got into a lot of fights because of it, doubt we would have been brave enough to take on the bullies if there had been only one of us. It did make people think twice before tangling with us though. Bur because we are ‘special’ we usually got the blame.
Footsugar123 · M
You don't sound stupid to me. The only ones that are stupid is the ones thinking that. Having a problem understanding things is something everyone does at some point, rather they admit it or not. The boys I Talk to have problems understanding me at times so I explain what I mean where they can understand it. The other kids call them stupid and some other words that aren't so nice, I try my best to help them understand what is going on or being said, that surely doesn't make them stupid,. Thank you ☺

Yes, my son has autism, he's very smart
timjusttim123 · 22-25, M
Not all of it but I'm learning how my little brother's see the world , they don't like loud noises ,are you guys the same way about them ?
Northshorenappy · M
I can do one thing great one day and another day i struggle, i get accused of cannot be bothered, does anyone be the same.
ladycae · 100+, F
we never know what it is like until someone tells us. thank you
oneofnine · 70-79, M
You are two lively and intelligent teens. It is an honour to know you.
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
A course I know how you two brothers experience the world as a kids with autism. I have it also so I been through it.and still get called not pleasant names to this very day.
Northshorenappy · M
@brunoandsammy i cannot wait for chat so we can chat

As I said, my son has autism, it is very hard to understand, I don't always know what to say or do.
benJohnson99 · 18-21, M
The only stupid people are the ignorant people who brand you as stupid.
Northshorenappy · M
i don't mind fireworks. when something loud happens it make me jump but its ok
brunoandsammy · C
Thanks Jimjim and Danny.
brunoandsammy · C
We are so with you on that, we hate being yaelled at, its one of the worst things you can do to someone with autism.
Northshorenappy · M
I hate being shouted out, i just switch off and or cover my ears, That just winds the other person up more and also i ask don't shout.
DanteAsiir · M
Well I know from our long chats on EP and Skype that you two are not stupid. Hugs.
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
@autism.and sometimes it can be a curse!!

Whoever wrote this can't be stupid.
ScrewThisImDone · 26-30, F
Asperger's kid here, now if only I could spell it without having to look it up somewhere. :/
I haven't had many people call me stupid, unless they were truly ignorant twits themselves.
I haven't had many people call me stupid, unless they were truly ignorant twits themselves.
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ladycae · 100+, F
tcc you are the ass
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