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Spending money..

Oopsies, I might have just spent a TON of money on a current hyperfixation of mine...around 60 dollars to be exact and I can't say I'm proud of myself but thats what makes my heart happy. That's fine right? I don't wanna feel guilty for spending on something I love. Its just that I know this phase will end once but...might as well enjoy it while it lasts right?
Honestly... 60 bucks on an obsession really isn't that bad, i spent like $5,000+ on my current obsession with dressing up so don't feel bad about it. Weather you earned that $60 as an allowance, working or just finding money laying about, it's your money, spend it as you please
I see this as money well spent!
But all seriousness don't beat yourself up for spending money on what you enjoy, Even if it's a lot of money, commitment on happiness is great! Hopefully it doesn't clutter up 😭
Ofc! You did nothing wrong lmao, you deserve what that $60 got you!!^^
FinsterCatt · 16-17, T
lol, I wish I could do that, but I don't have an allowance and I'm not allowed to get a job :[

you enjoy doing what you want though!!
i mean $60 is not that bad for an obsession lol
silly4ever · 13-15, F
@CookieCrisp yeahh I guess so but my family isn't the richest one out there

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