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I Have Adhd

I'm working on writing a paper and I have to figure out what I need to put into in. I have lots of other papers and I can't figure out how to even start!!! Mostly, I just read something that could be relevant and I want to ask somebody about, but I can't figure out how to form the thought and I'm too nervous too, because I can't think straight. My brain is all over the place. I'll probably have trouble following them and am to nervous to keep asking the same question over and over again, because I lost focus half way through what they said. I like academics, but I swear it is going to be the death of me!
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greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
I know how to solve this.

Get some index cards.

Go to a library. (It's quiet and calm there).

Go to an area where the librarian says you'll find books on the subject.

Don't worry or over think it. At a relaxed pace, look for books on the subject.

Pile them up on a table and sit down. Page through the books and every time you see anything that interests you in your general subject, write it down on a card along with the name of the book, author and publication date. Keep going through all the books in your pile.

Then ask the librarian about journal and magazine articles on the subject. Find a few and Xerox them, writing the name of the journal or magazine and It's issue date. Underline anything you find in the articles that particularly interests you.

Go home and do the same on the Internet. Read things in your subject that catch your attention, then note them down or print them being sure to note author(s), website, date.

Now relax. You are almost there.

Find a big wide space. For me, it was always the living room floor. A very big table might work. Try to be in a place where you will be undisturbed if possible.

Take out the cards, the copied articles, etc. Spread them around in no particular order and play with them. Move them around. Read or skim them. After a while, try to see if you could create some kind of order to them. This will not be as hard as you might think because all of them have one important thing in common; you were interested in them.

Eventually, you will find a way to put them together in a column to create some sort of outline. One way to do this is to read over them and figure out what interested you in picking them, then put them in an order that shows something of your interest. Many cards and articles will not fit in at all. That's fine. Put them aside. Don't hurry this process. See if you can create a title based on your interest or interests. Then create an outline using the cards and articles with the ones that don't fit set aside.

Now you have a title, an outline, and your footnotes and source materials.

Take a rest. Then it's time to write,following the outline, adding a footnote at the end of each passage of writing about each of the cards and articles and Internet info.

Don't get fancy. Use simple words whenever possible, and write short clear sentences. Tell what you have learned, thought or figured out from the material you are using. Sum it up. If you get stuck, try looking at the discarded material; it might give you more ideas.

Let the selection and organization of the material and the writing be focused on your interests and opinions. That will act as a magnet and pull it all together is a cohesive form.

Hope that helps!
kimtin33 · 26-30, F
Some. Depending I like and don't like the library. I'm not a fan of leaving my apartment... I like to start in my room away from all people with coffee. When I can focus it's a cause for a great morning! I don't think the library have books on what I need anyways. I've been doing research relating to it for a semester. I'm not sure of the little things that I'm doing or what I'm supposed to put into the paper exactly! I found an interesting paper that I want to look up more info on something in it, but I can't now, because it is nowhere near relevant to what I'm doing. When I get my paper partially done I'm going to play with it though! Just not now, because I don't have time. 🙁 I have scribes on my papers and 15 tabs open on the internet to figure out what I'm reading... It's fun trying to figure things out when I can think, not so much trying to put them on an organized paper... I have the basic basic basic idea for an outline. Like the things I need to talk about. I need to figure out what to put in figures and how to make them...I miss the stats program I used in another class. You just shove the data into a matrix and then manipulate it all using code, not excels stuff... Too tedious! I need to figure out figures first, well I can do background, but nothing else because it relies on what my figures have.
Justpeaceandlove · 61-69, F
Start with one word. Write it down. Then whatever thoughts come up for you that you become aware of write them down as well. Don't worry if they firm a sentence. Keep writing till your brain matches what you write.
kimtin33 · 26-30, F
Hehe. Or full sentences. My mom proof read something I did and I apparently missed half of a few sentences...
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